Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday 12-14-15

Homeland Security deployed hi-tech spy plane which scoops up tens of thousands of phone calls at one time above San Bernardino for days after massacre

Federal investigators looking into the San Bernardino massacre deployed a spy plane overhead after the attacks in an apparent attempt to find additional suspects, Daily Mail Online can reveal.
The Department of Homeland Security is said to have put up the single engine craft over the California city and ordered it to make repeated circles overhead.
The craft would likely have been equipped with 'Dirtbox' technology which can scan tens of thousands of phones in one go to identify suspects.
The report adds to the intrigue about whether or not there were accomplices in the San Bernardino attacks, which took place last Wednesday and were the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11.
Sofrep, which first reported the plane's use, said the use of the spy plane showed that law enforcement was 'actively searching for other members of a terrorist cell.
Detecting terror: Sofrep, which first reported the plane's use, said the use of the spy plane showed that law enforcement was 'actively searching for other members of a terrorist cell'

Spy planes have been deployed by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI before, such as over the protests in Baltimore in August in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray.
A story by the Wall Street Journal described in detail how the two foot wide 'Dirtbox' allows an astonishing level of surveillance once it is up and running.
The device works by pretending to be a cell phone tower - mobiles automatically connect to the nearest one so latch onto the box - and can sweep up data on tens of thousands of phones in one go.
The operator is able to locate a person's location quickly although they are not able to listen to calls.
Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union, has written about the spy planes and called them 'not your parents' surveillance aircraft'.
He described how fixed-wing aircraft are making use of another surveillance technique known as 'Wide-Area Surveillance' which involved a super high resolution camera being fitted onto the undercarriage of a plane.
It can monitor an entire city and can track a pedestrian's entire journey and the route taken, allowing investigators to track all of their movements.
The question of whether or not there were more suspects in the San Bernardino massacre has never been fully resolved.
Farook's neighbors said they saw a number of men coming and going from his house in the weeks up to the attack but did not say anything for fear of being accused of racial profiling.
San Bernardino police initially said that there was a third suspect but changed their minds and said the shooting had been carried out by just Farook and Malik.
However, they later said that a third person had been arrested, Farook's neighbor, Enrique Marquez, 24, who CNN reported had helped him plan to carry out a plot in 2012.

Marquez also bought the assault rifles that the couple used in the shooting.
The addition of the Pilatus PC-12 aircraft to the Homeland Security fleet was reported by Aviation Week as far back as 2004, though the fleet has grown since.
The company's website talks of its 'adaptability to perform a wide range of missions' and an interior which has been designed by BMW Designworks.
There is a 'a fully enclosed flushing lavatory', a baggage area and, unlike other spy planes, the floor is completely flat.
The website states: 'With the ability to integrate this airplane into both your business and personal life, some people have come to call it the ultimate aerial SUV.'
Nobody from Pilatus and the Department of Homeland Security were available for comment.

Mike Adams and Dave Hodges Are Predicting a Three-Pronged Chinese Invasion of the United States

ISIS, the drug cartels and MS-13 have formed a 5th column to attack and disrupt America. The economy will suffer and vital national defense resources will be expended in fighting this threat. On the heels of this 5th column invasion, that has already begun, the Chinese will make their move on the US. The Chinese and their assets have already been pre-positioned.
A few months ago, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, was stating that based on evidence derived from Chinese dissidents, that the Chinese, in response to the American space-based attack upon Tianjin, will launch a three-pronged attack from the United States from 7,000 miles away. The attack will consist of the following strategies:
Layer #1) An attack on the dollar and U.S. debt instruments.
Layer #2) A massive cyber warfare attack on the U.S. infrastructure.
Layer #3) An attack on U.S. military satellites to maximize the disruption of military communications, banking transactions, emergency services and other systems that depend on satellite communications.
I have written extensively on how the Chinese have already demonstrated the ability to engage in attacks, upon American, in all three domains described above. Mike Adams assertion that the Chinese are capable of, and will employ, attack strategies from all three of these areas is correct and have already happened, at least in a Beta test mode.
I need no convincing that Mike Adams is correct, but I do not believe that these three areas of attack represent an end game strategy and I am not sure that Mike believes that either. I have a slightly different take as I am convinced that these attacks are the military equivalent of a long-range military bombardment designed to weaken American for the final kill. The utilization of these three modes of attack can and will bring America to her knees as the economy is collapsed. The three pronged attack will be followed up by Chinese occupation troops operating under the UN flag.

The Effects of a Three-Pronged Chinese Attack


I have written about various alphabet soup agency people and their families who have gone into hiding in specially prepared enclaves with their colleagues in anticipation to what is coming. Many, including one FEMA family that I knew personally, have repeatedly spoken about  the taking down of the power grid.
Taking down the power grid is not the Chinese first option towards their goal of subjugating America. They would prefer the infrastructure to be intact as they assume control over the country as repayment for the massive debt they are owed by the people of this country. However, we cannot discount the fact that the Chinese were allowed to participate in GRID EX II, which was a simulated take down of the power grid, in November of 2013 as we undoubtedly showed them how to taken down the grid. Subsequently, I believe that taking down the grid through an EMP attack is the default position of the Chinese. It is not their primary intention at this time. The Chinese are determined to take over this country, one way or another.
However, if the Chinese elect to not take down the American power grid through employing an EMP, the Mike Adams described Chinese attacks will collapse the American economy. Please make note of the fact that each and every one of these three attacks are single point in time attacks. This means that you could literally go to bed on a Sunday night and wake up in chaotic “Mad Max” world on Monday.
On that fateful Monday, you will awaken to the fact that your bank account is gone along with your 401k, pension and job. All hell has broken loose. THERE WILL BE ROUNDUPS BECAUSE THERE WILL BE TOO MANY AMERICANS ROAMING THE STREETS LOOKING FOR THEIR NEXT MEAL. PEOPLE WILL STARVE AND BECOME VICTIMS OF THE ENSUING VIOLENCE.
The country will be under martial law on the evening of the first day. Nobody will be safe including law enforcement. What will you do? Have you prepared? Do you have the mental toughness to survive? Your present level of action/inaction has already answered that question.
If the Chinese employ the three-pronged strategy reported on by Mike Adams, what would be their end game goal?

America Is Not Broke

Contrary to what the power brokers would have you believe in order that you’ll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life that people live in a third world country, the globalists want you to believe that your nation is broke and there is nothing you can do about it.
America is not broke, in fact the opposite is true. The United States of America is awash in an unimaginable amount of  mineral wealth. What belongs to the people has been transferred, in the greatest theft in world history, from the workers and consumers to the government as well as the banks and the portfolios of the criminal elite gangsters which control the politicians with insider-trading and outright bribes.

The American underemployment and unemployment rate is now around 25% according to John Williams of Shadowstats who appeared as a guest on The Common Sense Show. Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. Despite these grim statistics which reveals the wealth imbalance in this country, our nation has never been wealthier.

Deep Beneath the Earth

Far beneath the ground, the federal government and its bankster puppeteers, own the rights to mineral and energy leases, from which they receive royalties, rents, and bonus payments, states the Institute for Energy Research, an industry group. According to their estimates, government states that the assets are worth $128 trillion. That’s almost eight times the national debt.
“These resources could be leased to third parties and could subsequently earn the state and national government huge royalties, rents, and bonus payments that estimates could total almost $150 billion over 10 years, just for the oil and gas leases alone”. Then why isn’t this being done? Simple, ask yourself who would lose money if this were to come to fruition? These vast resources have been promised to the Chinese and they are moving to take possession. Already, the Chinese, have been and are in Hawaii to take possession of what gold America has left. Speculation abounds that this is why Obama is now living in Hawaii and he is personally supervising the transfer and to arrange for the transfer of mineral wealth.

The Bundy Ranch and Other BLM Land Seizures Are Being Done On Behalf of the Chinese

bundy ranchThe Bundy Ranch confrontation, along with many other unreported BLM land grabs on behalf of the Chinese are being carried out in preparation for a total resource hand off to the Chinese. My military sources and researcher, Vicky Davis tell me that a series of international “inland ports” are being created in conjunction with known mineral rich areas and control of these areas will be handed off to the Chinese. Further, the Chinese military will be stationed around these inland ports to ensure safety and security of the Chinese investment and its mining and geological personnel. The Chinese are doing this under the guise of creating solar energy, which they are. However, their energy companies are owned by the Chinese military. This will be the foothold of their invasion force. Further, solar zones are near planned international corridor highways (e.g. Canamex and NAFTA Super Highways) for easy transport of these soon-to-be mined mineral resources for shipping back to China. When the three pronged attack occurs, the American economy will be in chaos and the Chinese will be in the midst of acquiring vast mineral resources for which they have prepositioned their covert military assets in this country.
Chinese troops will soon be a common occurrence on American soil. This will constitute only the beginning of the short-range take over the Chinese have planned for America.
These Solar Energy Zones are appearing in multiple locations in such places as Southwestern Arizona, Barstow, CA. and Victorville, CA., and now I am receiving on the ground reports from Colorado and Utah as well. These designated Solar Energy Zones have very similar variables in common. The following chart indicates that the debt compensation will consist of complete control of the solar industry and will be expanded to other energy sources (e.g. hydroelectric and nuclear power). This practice has been happening in Indian reservations as well.

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Coincidence or Conspiracy?

The control of solar energy, locating the “solar farms” along planned international highways and the implantation of future Chinese troops nears an major American military base were the goals of the Bundy Ranch takeover. The Bundy Ranch Affair exposed the agenda and the handing off of the country to the Chinese.
Chinese Solar on Bundy’s Ranch              Arizona Solar Farm
Chinese money backing projectChinese money involved in project
Creation of Agenda 21 “Solar Energy Zone”Creation of Agenda 21 “Solar Energy Zone”
Located near a Canamex Highway (I-15)Located near a Canamex Highway (1-10)
Located near a major energy source (Hoover Dam)Located near a major energy source (Palo Verde Nuclear Plant)
Located near a major military base (Nellis AFB)Located near a major military base ancillary facilities (Luke AFB)
And these planned facilities are always located near known mineral rich resources buried underground and waiting to be mined. And this strategy is not limited to these Chinese Solar Energy Zones.
The Farah article also made mention of a series of Chinese incursions into the American energy domain as reported by the Wall Street Journal on March 6, 2012. The state-by-state list of the $17 billion in oil and natural gas equity interests CNOOC and Sinopec have acquired in the United States since 2010.
  • “Colorado: CNOOC gained a one-third stake in 800,000 acres in northeast Colorado and southwest Wyoming in a $1.27-billion pact with Chesapeake Energy Corporation.
  • Louisiana: Sinopec has a one-third interest in 265,000 acres in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale after a broader $2.5-billion deal with Devon Energy.
  • Michigan: Sinopec gained a one-third interest in 350,000 acres in a larger $2.5-billion deal with Devon Energy.
  • Ohio: Sinopec acquired a one-third interest in Devon Energy’s 235,000 Utica Shale acres in a larger $2.5-billion deal.
  • Oklahoma: Sinopec has a one-third interest in 215,000 acres in a broader $2.5-billion deal with Devon Energy.
  • Texas: CNOOC acquired a one-third interest in Chesapeake Energy’s 600,000 acres in the Eagle Ford Shale in a $2.16-billion deal.
  • Wyoming: CNOOC has a one-third stake in northeast Colorado and southeast Wyoming after a $1.27-billion pact with Chesapeake Energy. Sinopec gained a one-third interest in Devon Energy’s 320,000 acres as part of a larger $2.5-billion deal”.
How symbolic is this photo?How symbolic is this photo?
Still not convinced that they Chinese will soon be our up close and personal landlords? Then you may want to review this BLM document and apply its principles to the Chinese takeover of this country. The above document was created just prior to the Bundy Ranch Affair and it spells out how our land is being taken over by foreign interests. The term, “foreign interests”, is an euphemism for Chinese and their allies, the Russians.

Long Beach

I want to stress that I am NOT abandoning my position that the Chinese could and would employ weapons against the American grid resulting in catastrophic consequences. If the Chinese cannot bring America to her knees using the three-pronged strategy, they will not hesitate to bring down this country through the application of an EMP attack. Regardless of the Chinese mode of attack, one can rest assured that the Chinese will show America no mercy.
At this point, I am offering a corollary to the Mike Adams report of the three-pronged attack by the Chinese upon America. Following the Chinese caused collapse of the American economy, they will need to militarily occupy America in order to reap its vast mineral resources. To do this, they will need occupation troops. If one thinks that the location of these Solar Energy Zones next to a Canamex, or planned Canamex Highway Corridor system is a coincidence, they should take a close look at what is happening at Long Beach, CA. These international corridors would provide excellent transportation routes in order to control what is left of American commerce as well as deploying its occupation troops across the country.
The control of the American transportation system is no more pronounced than it is in Long Beach, CA. The deep water port at Long Beach is the only of its type on the West Coast. And this country’s government has GIVEN AWAY the Long Beach deep water port to the Chinese in one of the biggest acts of treason in this country’s history. The giveaway of both the military installation and the deep water port is going live this year, in 2015.

Unfortunately,  this article is not concluded as there is more grim news. The Chinese are in the process of taking over our financial system as well. As some insiders have told me, it is likely that many of us have our home mortgages under Chinese control.

More Chinese Takeout: The Chinese Are Buying Up the Federal Reserve

At the end of January 2009, the month President Barack Obama was first inaugurated, Communist China owned $744.2 billion in U.S. government debt and the Fed owned $475.129 billion. of U.S. debt. In May of 2012, the Federal Reserve approved applications by three big Chinese government-controlled banks to set up branches and take stakes in US banks after deciding they were adequately regulated in their home market.
The Chinese ownership of U.S. debt, compared to the Federal Reserve, appears to be unchanged in 2014. However, the Chinese are slowly but surely acquiring the Federal Reserve and thus, are acquiring a greater amount of U.S. government debt. Therefore, much of the debt owned by the Federal Reserve, is now owned by the Chinese and their new partners consisting of two large Spanish banks, a German bank and the Chinese. The complete Chinese takeover of our economy is silent but undeniably insidious. It would be appropriate to think of this development as the United States government doing a debt consolidation of all its treasury bonds because it can no longer pay or service the debt and the Chinese and their partners are acquiring the assets of America for pennies on the dollar. It will soon be announced that China is in the process of purchasing major Western banks (e.g. Bank of America, Wells Fargo) and physical assets. These banks make up the majority owners of the Federal Reserve. By purchasing these banks as distressed properties, the Chinese, will in effect, have purchased the Federal Reserve because these banks own the Federal Reserve. surabachiFor the naysayers that will write to me and say there is no way that this will ever take place, I will respond by telling you that you are a day late and a “distressed dollar” short with your anxiety over the future of the American economy. Our economy is breathing its last breath.
Two years ago, China purchased the JP Morgan building in Manhattan for $725 million. This was a symbolic move like planting the U.S. flag on top of Iwo Jima’s Mount Surabachi during the famous WW II battle. This signified that the Chinese have laid claim to all assets in the United States. One might  reason that the Chinese have in fact purchased all of JP Morgan. When this happens in earnest, it will come in the midst of a dollar devaluation, or collapse and we are well on the way to this happening as evidenced by the fact that in preparation for the event, the G20 declared that bank accounts are no longer considered money. As a result, all account holders go to the bottom of the line and will not be compensated when the banks collapse. And where will the bank deposits go? Well, of course, they will go the holders of the derivatives debt and to the Chinese which explains why the Chinese are buying up the Federal Reserve.
Who owns your mortgage note on either your business property or your personal residence? Answer: The banks.
Who is on their way to completely controlling the U.S. banking system? Answer: The Chinese.
What does this mean?
Answer: The Chinese own you.
Lastly, you need to realize that the Chinese will have help. You need to ask yourself, how much do you believe in coincidences? Do you think, North Korea’s attack upon South Korea, the current Chinese/Russian joint war games exercise and the fact that Russia just moved 50,000 troops to Ukraine all in the past three days are coincidental?

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