The United States is a Dying Country
The United States a dying country. For many years that distasteful reality has been painfully obvious to those of us who immigrated to the United States having experienced first-hand the human suffering brought about by the near total destruction of a continent and the brutality of totalitarian rule throughout the world. The underlying cause of so much death and destruction over the past century is threefold: immorality, despotism and radical ideology.
This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed countries throughout mankind’s history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination. Recently the revelation that Planned Parenthood is selling, without a second thought, body parts of aborted human beings for profit is a significant indicator of the depth to which this nation has fallen over the past 45 years.
This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed countries throughout mankind’s history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination. Recently the revelation that Planned Parenthood is selling, without a second thought, body parts of aborted human beings for profit is a significant indicator of the depth to which this nation has fallen over the past 45 years.
On January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court validated abortion on demand (up to the point of so-called viability) regardless of circumstances. Many of my acquaintances celebrated this decision as a monumental advancement in women’s and societal rights. I, on the other hand, was overcome with a sense of foreboding. I was appalled and openly stated that this nation had embarked on the road of demeaning and devaluing life, which would lead to a society devoid of morality and integrity with the ultimate ascension into power those who would destroy this nation as founded. My warnings fell on deaf ears as I was ridiculed and accused of being an anachronism as these things could never happen in the United States.
As there were few that shared my premonition, I could only watch over the past 42 years as the American people have sanctioned, through legal abortions, the death of over 54.5 million children. Once this disregard of human life took hold, the citizens of this nation were susceptible to wholesale changes within society. Far too many of the American people, flush with prosperity, willfully ignored the infiltration of the education, media and entertainment establishments by the 1960’s radicals, the most narcissistic and radical legion of socialist true-believers on the face of the earth. Through the control of these mediums of indoctrination, an ever increasing percentage of the population has been conditioned to believe there are no moral absolutes and there is a limitless list of rights as granted by the government.
Since 1973 there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion, together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
However, as long as no national leader in the mold of the charismatic despots of the twentieth century emerged to seize the reins of government, I maintained some degree of optimism that the innate good sense and character of the American people would eventually prevail and the United States could reverse course and continue its unique place in the annals of mankind.
That hope was dashed upon the rocks when I first saw and listened to Barack Obama. Here was the man that represented the sum of all my fears and the catalyst that would make certain the United States would become a dying country. In the charismatic mold of the twentieth century despots he was someone who was a stranger to the truth, devoid of any integrity and hell-bent on imposing a radical ideology on the nation. When the financial crisis of 2008 descended on the nation, the ideal circumstance occurred that would propel him into office.
Barack Obama, as did Mussolini, Lenin, Mao and Hitler before him, has the ability to visibly remain above the fray, appear as the champion of the people and manipulate the emotions of an ill-educated populace. In the case of Obama he has the further benefit of being able to exploit the racial guilt embedded in the American society.
In keeping with many of the tactics employed in Italy and Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s and many other nations since, Barack Obama and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party have, over the past five years, followed in the footsteps of these despotic regimes.
All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same, utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil. The totalitarian mindset of thought control by the American Left is increasingly rearing its ugly head. It is not enough to win a political battle, but those who disagree with them must be punished and forced to wholeheartedly accept the party line or be financially destroyed and publically humiliated.
As the twin dark clouds of totalitarian thought control and an omnipotent central government slowly envelop the nation, a preponderance of the American people as well as many of nation’s political and societal leaders cower in the shadows or are willfully oblivious in the self-centered world. In 2015 the evolving societal hallmarks of the United States are timidity, voyeurism and victimhood.
Short of an overwhelming nation catastrophe, I fear there is little chance to pull back from the brink but if there ever was a nation or a people that could it is the United States. But first they must recognize how far this nation has fallen.
As there were few that shared my premonition, I could only watch over the past 42 years as the American people have sanctioned, through legal abortions, the death of over 54.5 million children. Once this disregard of human life took hold, the citizens of this nation were susceptible to wholesale changes within society. Far too many of the American people, flush with prosperity, willfully ignored the infiltration of the education, media and entertainment establishments by the 1960’s radicals, the most narcissistic and radical legion of socialist true-believers on the face of the earth. Through the control of these mediums of indoctrination, an ever increasing percentage of the population has been conditioned to believe there are no moral absolutes and there is a limitless list of rights as granted by the government.
Since 1973 there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion, together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
However, as long as no national leader in the mold of the charismatic despots of the twentieth century emerged to seize the reins of government, I maintained some degree of optimism that the innate good sense and character of the American people would eventually prevail and the United States could reverse course and continue its unique place in the annals of mankind.
That hope was dashed upon the rocks when I first saw and listened to Barack Obama. Here was the man that represented the sum of all my fears and the catalyst that would make certain the United States would become a dying country. In the charismatic mold of the twentieth century despots he was someone who was a stranger to the truth, devoid of any integrity and hell-bent on imposing a radical ideology on the nation. When the financial crisis of 2008 descended on the nation, the ideal circumstance occurred that would propel him into office.
Barack Obama, as did Mussolini, Lenin, Mao and Hitler before him, has the ability to visibly remain above the fray, appear as the champion of the people and manipulate the emotions of an ill-educated populace. In the case of Obama he has the further benefit of being able to exploit the racial guilt embedded in the American society.
In keeping with many of the tactics employed in Italy and Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s and many other nations since, Barack Obama and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party have, over the past five years, followed in the footsteps of these despotic regimes.
All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same, utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil. The totalitarian mindset of thought control by the American Left is increasingly rearing its ugly head. It is not enough to win a political battle, but those who disagree with them must be punished and forced to wholeheartedly accept the party line or be financially destroyed and publically humiliated.
As the twin dark clouds of totalitarian thought control and an omnipotent central government slowly envelop the nation, a preponderance of the American people as well as many of nation’s political and societal leaders cower in the shadows or are willfully oblivious in the self-centered world. In 2015 the evolving societal hallmarks of the United States are timidity, voyeurism and victimhood.
Short of an overwhelming nation catastrophe, I fear there is little chance to pull back from the brink but if there ever was a nation or a people that could it is the United States. But first they must recognize how far this nation has fallen.
The United States a dying country. For many years that distasteful reality has been painfully obvious to those of us who immigrated to the United States having experienced first-hand the human suffering brought about by the near total destruction of a continent and the brutality of totalitarian rule throughout the world. The underlying cause of so much death and destruction over the past century is threefold: immorality, despotism and radical ideology.
This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed countries throughout mankind’s history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination. Recently the revelation that Planned Parenthood is selling, without a second thought, body parts of aborted human beings for profit is a significant indicator of the depth to which this nation has fallen over the past 45 years.
On January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court validated abortion on demand (up to the point of so-called viability) regardless of circumstances. Many of my acquaintances celebrated this decision as a monumental advancement in women’s and societal rights. I, on the other hand, was overcome with a sense of foreboding. I was appalled and openly stated that this nation had embarked on the road of demeaning and devaluing life, which would lead to a society devoid of morality and integrity with the ultimate ascension into power those who would destroy this nation as founded. My warnings fell on deaf ears as I was ridiculed and accused of being an anachronism as these things could never happen in the United States.
As there were few that shared my premonition, I could only watch over the past 42 years as the American people have sanctioned, through legal abortions, the death of over 54.5 million children. Once this disregard of human life took hold, the citizens of this nation were susceptible to wholesale changes within society. Far too many of the American people, flush with prosperity, willfully ignored the infiltration of the education, media and entertainment establishments by the 1960’s radicals, the most narcissistic and radical legion of socialist true-believers on the face of the earth. Through the control of these mediums of indoctrination, an ever increasing percentage of the population has been conditioned to believe there are no moral absolutes and there is a limitless list of rights as granted by the government.
Since 1973 there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion, together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
However, as long as no national leader in the mold of the charismatic despots of the twentieth century emerged to seize the reins of government, I maintained some degree of optimism that the innate good sense and character of the American people would eventually prevail and the United States could reverse course and continue its unique place in the annals of mankind.
That hope was dashed upon the rocks when I first saw and listened to Barack Obama. Here was the man that represented the sum of all my fears and the catalyst that would make certain the United States would become a dying country. In the charismatic mold of the twentieth century despots he was someone who was a stranger to the truth, devoid of any integrity and hell-bent on imposing a radical ideology on the nation. When the financial crisis of 2008 descended on the nation, the ideal circumstance occurred that would propel him into office.
Barack Obama, as did Mussolini, Lenin, Mao and Hitler before him, has the ability to visibly remain above the fray, appear as the champion of the people and manipulate the emotions of an ill-educated populace. In the case of Obama he has the further benefit of being able to exploit the racial guilt embedded in the American society.
In keeping with many of the tactics employed in Italy and Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s and many other nations since, Barack Obama and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party have, over the past five years, followed in the footsteps of these despotic regimes.
All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same, utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil. The totalitarian mindset of thought control by the American Left is increasingly rearing its ugly head. It is not enough to win a political battle, but those who disagree with them must be punished and forced to wholeheartedly accept the party line or be financially destroyed and publically humiliated.
As the twin dark clouds of totalitarian thought control and an omnipotent central government slowly envelop the nation, a preponderance of the American people as well as many of nation’s political and societal leaders cower in the shadows or are willfully oblivious in the self-centered world. In 2015 the evolving societal hallmarks of the United States are timidity, voyeurism and victimhood.
Short of an overwhelming nation catastrophe, I fear there is little chance to pull back from the brink but if there ever was a nation or a people that could it is the United States. But first they must recognize how far this nation has fallen.
This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary process that has plagued so many failed countries throughout mankind’s history. This process begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination. Recently the revelation that Planned Parenthood is selling, without a second thought, body parts of aborted human beings for profit is a significant indicator of the depth to which this nation has fallen over the past 45 years.
On January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court validated abortion on demand (up to the point of so-called viability) regardless of circumstances. Many of my acquaintances celebrated this decision as a monumental advancement in women’s and societal rights. I, on the other hand, was overcome with a sense of foreboding. I was appalled and openly stated that this nation had embarked on the road of demeaning and devaluing life, which would lead to a society devoid of morality and integrity with the ultimate ascension into power those who would destroy this nation as founded. My warnings fell on deaf ears as I was ridiculed and accused of being an anachronism as these things could never happen in the United States.
As there were few that shared my premonition, I could only watch over the past 42 years as the American people have sanctioned, through legal abortions, the death of over 54.5 million children. Once this disregard of human life took hold, the citizens of this nation were susceptible to wholesale changes within society. Far too many of the American people, flush with prosperity, willfully ignored the infiltration of the education, media and entertainment establishments by the 1960’s radicals, the most narcissistic and radical legion of socialist true-believers on the face of the earth. Through the control of these mediums of indoctrination, an ever increasing percentage of the population has been conditioned to believe there are no moral absolutes and there is a limitless list of rights as granted by the government.
Since 1973 there has been the open promotion of euthanasia, the abandonment of traditional behavioral guidelines and the active denigration of organized religion, together with the successful inculcation of the entitlement mentality. The concurrent belief in an all powerful government has unalterably frayed the ties that bind all Americans and greatly eroded the ability of the society as a whole to successfully weather an overwhelmingly severe financial or societal crisis without looking to the government as the savior. Thus the populace was pre-conditioned, when the right circumstances occurred, to elect a charismatic demagogue and radical as President of the United States.
However, as long as no national leader in the mold of the charismatic despots of the twentieth century emerged to seize the reins of government, I maintained some degree of optimism that the innate good sense and character of the American people would eventually prevail and the United States could reverse course and continue its unique place in the annals of mankind.
That hope was dashed upon the rocks when I first saw and listened to Barack Obama. Here was the man that represented the sum of all my fears and the catalyst that would make certain the United States would become a dying country. In the charismatic mold of the twentieth century despots he was someone who was a stranger to the truth, devoid of any integrity and hell-bent on imposing a radical ideology on the nation. When the financial crisis of 2008 descended on the nation, the ideal circumstance occurred that would propel him into office.
Barack Obama, as did Mussolini, Lenin, Mao and Hitler before him, has the ability to visibly remain above the fray, appear as the champion of the people and manipulate the emotions of an ill-educated populace. In the case of Obama he has the further benefit of being able to exploit the racial guilt embedded in the American society.
In keeping with many of the tactics employed in Italy and Germany in the 1920’s and 30’s and many other nations since, Barack Obama and his fellow travelers in the Democratic Party have, over the past five years, followed in the footsteps of these despotic regimes.
All autocratic regimes require a scapegoat in order to keep the populace in turmoil while they go about seizing all the levers of power; this regime has done the same, utilizing the so-called wealthy, conservatives, evangelical Christians, and a clueless Republican Party as their focus of evil. The totalitarian mindset of thought control by the American Left is increasingly rearing its ugly head. It is not enough to win a political battle, but those who disagree with them must be punished and forced to wholeheartedly accept the party line or be financially destroyed and publically humiliated.
As the twin dark clouds of totalitarian thought control and an omnipotent central government slowly envelop the nation, a preponderance of the American people as well as many of nation’s political and societal leaders cower in the shadows or are willfully oblivious in the self-centered world. In 2015 the evolving societal hallmarks of the United States are timidity, voyeurism and victimhood.
Short of an overwhelming nation catastrophe, I fear there is little chance to pull back from the brink but if there ever was a nation or a people that could it is the United States. But first they must recognize how far this nation has fallen.
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The killer of four U.S. Marines in Chattanooga maintained a short-lived blog that hinted at his religious inner life. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez’s blog had only two posts, both published July 13 and written in a popular style of Islamic religious reasoning.
The first post was entitled “A Prison Called Dunya,” referring to the temporal world. In it, Abdulazeez uses the hypothetical example of a prisoner who is told he would be given a test that would either take him out of his earthly prison—or send him into a more restrictive environment.
“I would imagine that any sane person would devote their time to mastering the information on the study guide and stay patient with their studies, only giving time for the other things around to keep themselves focused on passing the exam,” Abdulazeez wrote. “They would do this because they know and have been told that they will be rewarded with pleasures that they have never seen.”
This life is that test, he wrote, “designed to separate the inhabitants of Paradise from the inhabitants of Hellfire.”
The second post is called “Understanding Islam: The Story of the Three Blind Men.” It suggests Abdulazeez felt his fellow Muslims had a “certain understanding of Islam and keep a tunnel vision of what we think Islam is.”
He uses the example of blind men who feel an elephant but can’t quite tell what the creature is. He says Muslims have a similar understanding of the earliest companions of the Prophet Muhammad. That they were “like priests living in monasteries is not true,” he says; rather they were “toward the end of the lives were either a mayor of a town, governor of a state, or leader of an army at the frontlines.”
“We ask Allah to make us follow their path,” Abdulazeez wrote. “To give us a complete understanding of the message of Islam, and the strength the live by this knowledge, and to know what role we need to play to establish Islam in the world.”
— Katie Zavadski
Biohackers Aim To Make Homebrew Insulin, But Don't Try It Yet
Might people with diabetes someday be able to brew their own insulin for free at home, just as with beer? The answer may be yes, but whether it's a good idea is another question.
The home-brewed insulin concept is among the latest to emerge from the bio-hacking movement, in which people meet to tinker with biology in inexpensive do-it-yourself laboratories that have popped up in California, New York and a few other places in the United States and Europe.
The field is small so far — around six or seven real biohacker labs, with between five and 40 active members — but interest is growing.
"People wanted to do science outside of classical institutions like universities or big corporations, so we embraced it," says Ryan Bethencourt, an entrepreneur who co-founded San Francisco-based Indie.Bio, which provides seed funding for biotechnology startups. Bethancourt has also worked with several pharmaceutical companies in product development.
Ryan Bethencourt, who is leading the project to biohack insulin, speaks at Indie.Bio Demo Day in San Francisco. Michael O'Donnell/Courtesy of Ryan Bethencourt hide caption
itoggle caption Michael O'Donnell/Courtesy of Ryan Bethencourt
Ryan Bethencourt, who is leading the project to biohack insulin, speaks at Indie.Bio Demo Day in San Francisco.
Michael O'Donnell/Courtesy of Ryan Bethencourt The insulin idea came from speaking with a friend and fellow biohacker who has Type 1 diabetes and requires costly insulin to stay alive. Even with insurance coverage, a three-month supply can total hundreds of dollars out of pocket. Bethencourt says: "Anthony and I have discussed this for two years. Why is insulin so expensive?"
Indeed, while some of the older insulins are off patent or soon will be, in the United States there are currently no insulin biosimilars — the rough equivalent of "generic" for biological medicines — although one has been approved in Europe. Even with biosimilars, the cost isn't as comparatively low as it is for generic synthetic drugs versus brand names.
About 6 million people in the U.S. use insulin, including all of the 1 to 2 million with Type 1 diabetes and about 15 percent of those with Type 2 diabetes. In poor countries, children still die for lack of it.
In fact, biohacking it isn't that hard to do: Lab equipment costs have come down considerably in recent years, and the DNA sequences for recombinant human insulin and for the newer analogs are public information.
Bethencourt wants to use a cloud-based automated laboratory platform that would take DNA, insert it into bacteria and make insulin at a far lower cost than the commercial product.
He's planning to crowdfund about $2,000 for the equipment to get it going.
"We'll start by saying it's research only, and make it available to all the biohackers and any researchers who want open-source insulin," Bethencourt says. "Then we have to figure out how to increase the yield and how to purify it. Then people can start using it. They can brew it, like beer."
His ultimate goal is free insulin for everyone who needs it, in the U.S. and globally.
But Dr. Marcus Hompesch, president, CEO and a founder of the Profil Institute for Clinical Research, Inc. in San Diego, says the home-brewing idea is irresponsible and foolhardy. "Manufacturing insulin or any peptide or any biologic for that matter is a very complex affair. If you don't understand what it all entails, you could end up manufacturing something that is downright dangerous for patients."
Making recombinant human insulin is a multistep process, Hompesch explains, and "at any step of the way, things can go wrong .... It's highly regulated." Among the risks, he said, are that a protein sample that is either contaminated or isn't treated properly could trigger an immune response in the recipient that could then cross-react with and neutralize other insulins the patient might be receiving or, in the case of Type 2 diabetes patients, their remaining naturally-produced insulin.
Patients might have to make significant dose changes, which could adversely affect their diabetes control. Hompesch says. More significant immune reactions could happen as well.
Hompesch, who has published extensively on biosimilar insulins, says the discussion of biohacking insulin worries him because it is actually possible. "Practically, it can be done," he says. "The technological hurdle isn't one that couldn't be overcome." Getting it done right is not trivial, he adds. "As a clinician and researcher I wouldn't want to see a large biohacking experiment in patients even started."
But Bethencourt believes the biohacking community, which includes molecular biologists, is capable of addressing the challenges involved with making the protein consistently and safely. "At first, it will not be safe. That's why we have to make it available so other people can develop ways of ensuring that it's safe," he says. "We would get it at least to the same level of safety as current therapeutics. We'd want to use the same technology. We're just trying to make it cheaper."
For now, "The aim for me is more of a statement and concept piece." Bethencourt says. "I want to start a revolution in the way therapeutics are made, starting with insulin."
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