Part 1 of 4
Is Hell Real?
By Radio Pastor Perry F. Rockwood
1. Hell is Today’s World
An evangelist once encountered a sceptic who, when asked to receive Christ, said, "I'm not afraid of Hell - all the Hell we will ever get is right here on earth!" The preacher's reply was quick and devastating, "I'll give you three reasons why this cannot be Hell. First, I am a Christian, and there are no Christians in Hell! Secondly, there is a place just around the corner where you can slake your thirst, but there is no water in Hell! Thirdly, I have been preaching Christ to you, and there is no Gospel in Hell!"
Dr. R.A. Torrey, who succeeded D.L. Moody, believed in the plain Bible teaching on Hell. He said, "We know absolutely nothing about future punishment but what God has been pleased to tell us in the Book; just as we know absolutely nothing about the future blessedness of the saved except what God has been pleased to tell us in this Book. If you are truly logical and not merely sentimental, if you give up what the Bible teaches on one subject, you will give up what it teaches on the other. If a man will believe that part of the Bible that he desires to believe and rejects that part of the bible that he does not desire to believe, in plain unvarnished English, he is a fool."
If the Bible is not true, we have no real proof that there is either a Heaven or a Hell. If the Bible is true about Heaven, it is also true about Hell.
Whenever I speak on this subject of Hell there are those who are bound to write and ask, "How do you reconcile the doctrine of Hell with the fact that God is a God of love?" I answer with this question, "How do we know that God is love?" We know this only from the Bible. If the Bible is not true we have no proof that God is love. Friend, if you reject what the Bible says about Hell you must in simple logic give up your belief that God is love.
Of course today the words "Hell" and "damn" are a part of the everyday language of most people- including our politicians, radio announcers and TV personalities. The use of such four-letter words portrays their lack of education and inability to express themselves forcefully in the English language. Such conversation surely reveals a mental vacuum.
"See you in Hell tonight!" cried one friend to another. They planned to meet in a night club which chose this name for the sake of publicity. Hell is fast becoming a joke word and people are laughing at the very idea of such a place. They scoff at the Word of God which teaches the eternal punishment of all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
"Why, man, I'm getting my Hell here upon the earth!" This is what a business man said to me recently. I replied, "Sir, the Hell you are getting upon earth is but a Sunday school picnic compared to the eternal torments you will suffer unless you repent of sin and turn to the Lord."
A young man carelessly boasted, "Well, if I go to Hell think of all the company I'll have." I said to him, "Don't deceive yourself. There is no company in Hell. It is a place of total separation from everyone. Although there may be many famous people there, they will give you neither joy nor pleasure. Hell is a place of suffering and there will be no companionship whatever to help relieve the agony."
A common expression used by many people who are rude in their speech is, "Go to Hell." The same ones, however, say they are not sure there is a Hell. They live and act as though death ends all or as though they can get by without meeting God. The very fact that they tell people to go to Hell shows an inner conviction that those who do wrong should be punished.
Perhaps you are thinking, "But Pastor, you do not understand my situation. My life is truly a Hell on earth." Oh, but I do try to understand. The mental anguish and heartache caused by unhappy circumstances is very painful. Many are constantly struggling with difficult situations. Life is hard. Yet, there is some relief here upon the earth. There is some charity, some mercy, some easing of pain by drugs and sleep - and there is always hope. But in Hell there is only suffering - absolute physical and mental torment - and there is no hope.
Most seminaries and theological colleges either play down the Bible teaching on Hell or do away with it altogether. This has resulted in the subject hardly ever being mentioned from our modern-day pulpits. When was the last time you heard such a message in your church?
Today we have a movement called Neo-Evangelicalism or New Evangelicalism which teaches that the Bible is not the literal, verbally inspired Word of God but that it contains the Word of God. If you will look at the proclamations issued by various Evangelical groups over the past fifteen years, you will see that the majority make no mention of the plenary inspiration of the Scriptures, or of the inerrancy of the Bible, or of its preservation.
The late Bishop J.C. Ryle, who died in 1900, said:
"If you would promote faith, defeat the devil and save souls, preach Hell!"
"The conscience of man cries out of Hell. Go to the bedside of some dying child of the world and fear not to talk to him of God's judgment upon sin and wrath upon the sinner. Preach to him of a Saviour who went into the yawning jaws of Hell that forgiveness might be purchased at great price - His own shed blood - and offer him mercy but only by faith in that blood; and watch his restless anxiety about the future turn to calmness, and marvel as he departs in peace.
"The interests of holiness and morality cry out of Hell. Tell men it matters how they conduct themselves, that there is an eternal difference between Abraham and the Sodomites, between Paul and Nero, between the drunkard who dies unrepentant and a Baxter, a Wilberforce, or a McCheyne. Preach Hell as the final end of men who will not have the Christian whom they may 'live soberly, righteously, and godly.'
"The Bible speaks of Hell from beginning to end. Hundreds of texts in God's Word remind us of the wages of sin, the end of the flesh and the reward of ungodliness. Jesus cried that the gate to Hell is wide, the road is broad and well travelled. When you stand before the people, preach that!"
Thank God for those who have stood for Biblical inspiration among the scholars and believed in Hell. I think of Dr. R.A. Torrey who said, "I claim to be a scholarly preacher. I have a right to so claim. I have taken two degrees, specializing in Greek
in one of the most highly esteemed universities in America. I have also studied in two German universities. I have read the Bible in three languages every day of my life for many years. I have studied a large share of what has been written on both sides of the question in English and in German. I have written thirty or forty different books which have been translated into many languages. Yes, I believe in scholarship and I believe in the old-fashioned doctrine regarding Hell."
Yes, and we could mention other men, greatly used of God, who believed in Hell. D.L. Moody, "The same Christ that tells us of Heaven with all its glories, tells us of Hell with all its horrors." Henry Ward Beecher, "The thought of future punishment for
sinners which the Bible reveals is enough to make an earthquake of terror in every man's soul. "Dr. W.N. Clarke, "The principle of retribution is right because good ought to work good and evil ought to work evil." Billy Sunday, "You will not be in Hell five minutes until you believe there is one."
But hear now the voice of Christ: "Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: ... And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal" (Matthew 25:41,46).
There is a real Hell for everyone who rejects the salvation offered in the Cross-work of Christ.
Possible biblical clue seen in computer worm hitting Iran
Some experts say program's code might include reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them.
Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimed at slowing Iran's race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be a fleeting reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them.
That use of the word "Myrtus" — which can be read as an allusion to Esther — to name a file inside the code is one of several murky clues that have emerged as computer experts try to trace the origin and purpose of the rogue Stuxnet program, which seeks out a specific kind of command module for industrial equipment.
There are many competing explanations for myrtus, which could simply signify myrtle, a plant important to many cultures in the region. But some security experts see the reference as an allusion to the Hebrew word for Esther, and as a warning in a mounting technological and psychological battle as Israel and its allies try to breach Iran's nuclear project. Others doubt the Israelis were involved and say the word could have been inserted as deliberate misinformation to implicate Israel.
Carol Newsom, an Old Testament scholar at Emory University, confirmed the linguistic connection, noting that Queen Esther's original name in Hebrew was Hadassah, which is similar to the Hebrew word for myrtle. Perhaps, she said, "someone was making a learned cross-linguistic wordplay."
"The Iranians are already paranoid about the fact that some of their scientists have defected and several of their secret nuclear sites have been revealed," one former intelligence official who still works on Iran issues said recently. "Whatever the origin and purpose of Stuxnet, it ramps up the psychological pressure."
New U.S. sanctions
Meanwhile, the Obama administration stepped up pressure against Iran's government Wednesday, slapping financial and travel sanctions on eight Iranian officials and accusing them of taking part in rampant human rights abuses.
Under an executive order signed this week by President Barack Obama, the State and Treasury departments jointly announced the sanctions that target Iranians who "share responsibility for the sustained and severe violation of human rights in Iran," notably after last year's disputed presidential elections.
The move bars the eight Iranians from entering the United States, blocks any of their U.S. assets and prohibits Americans from doing business with them.
Most Americans believe in God but don't know religious tenets
Americans are clear on God but foggy on facts about faiths.
The new U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey, released today by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, finds that although 86% of us believe in God or a higher power, we don't know our own traditions or those of neighbors across the street or across the globe.
Among 3,412 adults surveyed, only 2% correctly answered at least 29 of 32 questions on the Bible, major religious figures, beliefs and practices. The average score was 16 correct (50%).
Key findings:
•Doctrines don't grab us. Only 55% of Catholic respondents knew the core teaching that the bread and wine in the Mass become the body and blood of Christ, and are not merely symbols. Just 19% of Protestants knew the basic tenet that salvation is through faith alone, not actions as well.
•Basic Bible eludes us. Just 55% of all respondents knew the Golden Rule isn't one of the Ten Commandments; 45% could name all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
•World religions are a struggle. Fewer than half (47%) knew that the Dalai Lama is a Buddhist; 27% knew most people in Indonesia are Muslims.
"People say, 'I have a personal connection with God and that's really all I need to know.' Who am I to argue?" says Pew's Alan Cooperman, a co-author of the report.
But religion, as a force in history and a motivator in present times, "has consequences in the world," he adds, so an intellectual baseline, whatever your faith or lack of faith, can "shape your role as a citizen in the public square."
The top scoring groups were atheists/agnostics, Jews and Mormons. These tiny groups, adding up to less than 7% of Americans, scored particularly well on world religion and U.S. constitutional questions. It's unclear why, although highly educated people overall did best on the quiz, researchers say.
It may be that the conscious choice to take a minority faith or philosophic stand requires an intellectual engagement with religion to a greater degree than experienced by Protestants and Catholics, who dominate U.S. culture. Eight in 10 atheists and agnostics grew up in a religious tradition, chiefly a branch of Christianity, says Greg Smith, a Pew senior researcher.
The single question most people answered correctly: 89% knew that according to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, public school teachers cannot lead their classes in prayer.
But only 36% of respondents knew teachers are allowed to teach classes comparing world religions, and just 23% knew that teachers can read from the Bible as an example of literature.
"If the public thinks there are greater restriction than there really are, how much impact does this have in the real world when they are looking at religion's place in public life?" Smith asks.
Most respondents have some understanding of the First Amendment: 68% knew that the Constitution says "the government shall neither establish a religion nor interfere with the practice of religion." But, says Smith, "they don't get the specifics."
Questions about half of respondents nailed: 51% knew Joseph Smith was a Mormon; 54% could name the Quran as Islam's holy text. (The survey was conducted May 19-June 6, before a Florida pastor's threat to burn the Quran made headlines.)
Stumpers: Just 8% knew Maimonides was an influential Jewish rabbi. Only 11% knew that the fiery preacher and theologian who participated in the First Great Awakening, an 18th-century Protestant revival, was Jonathan Edwards, not 19th-century evangelist Charles Finney or today's Billy Graham.
Smith says education was the single best predictor of how people scored.
Respondents who went to graduate school answered twice as many questions correctly as people who didn't complete high school.
Overall, men scored better than women, whites score better than blacks and Hispanics, and Southerners did worse than the rest of the nation, Smith said.
The authors say they didn't give the public a grade on its religious knowledge like a school test, such as an A or F.
Why? Because, they say, "We have no objective way of determining how much the public should know about religion."
HUMANISTS HAVE LONG BRAGGED THAT PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM DESTROYS BIBLICAL FAITH (Friday Church News Notes, October 1, 2010,,, 866-295-4143) - Paul Blanshard made the following statement in the 1976 edition of The Humanist magazine: “I think that the most important factor moving us toward a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is 16 tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The average American child now acquires a high school education, and this militates against Adam and Eve and all the other myths of alleged history" (The Humanist, March/April 1976, p. 17).
By Radio Pastor Perry F. Rockwood
1. Hell is Today’s World
An evangelist once encountered a sceptic who, when asked to receive Christ, said, "I'm not afraid of Hell - all the Hell we will ever get is right here on earth!" The preacher's reply was quick and devastating, "I'll give you three reasons why this cannot be Hell. First, I am a Christian, and there are no Christians in Hell! Secondly, there is a place just around the corner where you can slake your thirst, but there is no water in Hell! Thirdly, I have been preaching Christ to you, and there is no Gospel in Hell!"
Dr. R.A. Torrey, who succeeded D.L. Moody, believed in the plain Bible teaching on Hell. He said, "We know absolutely nothing about future punishment but what God has been pleased to tell us in the Book; just as we know absolutely nothing about the future blessedness of the saved except what God has been pleased to tell us in this Book. If you are truly logical and not merely sentimental, if you give up what the Bible teaches on one subject, you will give up what it teaches on the other. If a man will believe that part of the Bible that he desires to believe and rejects that part of the bible that he does not desire to believe, in plain unvarnished English, he is a fool."
If the Bible is not true, we have no real proof that there is either a Heaven or a Hell. If the Bible is true about Heaven, it is also true about Hell.
Whenever I speak on this subject of Hell there are those who are bound to write and ask, "How do you reconcile the doctrine of Hell with the fact that God is a God of love?" I answer with this question, "How do we know that God is love?" We know this only from the Bible. If the Bible is not true we have no proof that God is love. Friend, if you reject what the Bible says about Hell you must in simple logic give up your belief that God is love.
Of course today the words "Hell" and "damn" are a part of the everyday language of most people- including our politicians, radio announcers and TV personalities. The use of such four-letter words portrays their lack of education and inability to express themselves forcefully in the English language. Such conversation surely reveals a mental vacuum.
"See you in Hell tonight!" cried one friend to another. They planned to meet in a night club which chose this name for the sake of publicity. Hell is fast becoming a joke word and people are laughing at the very idea of such a place. They scoff at the Word of God which teaches the eternal punishment of all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
"Why, man, I'm getting my Hell here upon the earth!" This is what a business man said to me recently. I replied, "Sir, the Hell you are getting upon earth is but a Sunday school picnic compared to the eternal torments you will suffer unless you repent of sin and turn to the Lord."
A young man carelessly boasted, "Well, if I go to Hell think of all the company I'll have." I said to him, "Don't deceive yourself. There is no company in Hell. It is a place of total separation from everyone. Although there may be many famous people there, they will give you neither joy nor pleasure. Hell is a place of suffering and there will be no companionship whatever to help relieve the agony."
A common expression used by many people who are rude in their speech is, "Go to Hell." The same ones, however, say they are not sure there is a Hell. They live and act as though death ends all or as though they can get by without meeting God. The very fact that they tell people to go to Hell shows an inner conviction that those who do wrong should be punished.
Perhaps you are thinking, "But Pastor, you do not understand my situation. My life is truly a Hell on earth." Oh, but I do try to understand. The mental anguish and heartache caused by unhappy circumstances is very painful. Many are constantly struggling with difficult situations. Life is hard. Yet, there is some relief here upon the earth. There is some charity, some mercy, some easing of pain by drugs and sleep - and there is always hope. But in Hell there is only suffering - absolute physical and mental torment - and there is no hope.
Most seminaries and theological colleges either play down the Bible teaching on Hell or do away with it altogether. This has resulted in the subject hardly ever being mentioned from our modern-day pulpits. When was the last time you heard such a message in your church?
Today we have a movement called Neo-Evangelicalism or New Evangelicalism which teaches that the Bible is not the literal, verbally inspired Word of God but that it contains the Word of God. If you will look at the proclamations issued by various Evangelical groups over the past fifteen years, you will see that the majority make no mention of the plenary inspiration of the Scriptures, or of the inerrancy of the Bible, or of its preservation.
The late Bishop J.C. Ryle, who died in 1900, said:
"If you would promote faith, defeat the devil and save souls, preach Hell!"
"The conscience of man cries out of Hell. Go to the bedside of some dying child of the world and fear not to talk to him of God's judgment upon sin and wrath upon the sinner. Preach to him of a Saviour who went into the yawning jaws of Hell that forgiveness might be purchased at great price - His own shed blood - and offer him mercy but only by faith in that blood; and watch his restless anxiety about the future turn to calmness, and marvel as he departs in peace.
"The interests of holiness and morality cry out of Hell. Tell men it matters how they conduct themselves, that there is an eternal difference between Abraham and the Sodomites, between Paul and Nero, between the drunkard who dies unrepentant and a Baxter, a Wilberforce, or a McCheyne. Preach Hell as the final end of men who will not have the Christian whom they may 'live soberly, righteously, and godly.'
"The Bible speaks of Hell from beginning to end. Hundreds of texts in God's Word remind us of the wages of sin, the end of the flesh and the reward of ungodliness. Jesus cried that the gate to Hell is wide, the road is broad and well travelled. When you stand before the people, preach that!"
Thank God for those who have stood for Biblical inspiration among the scholars and believed in Hell. I think of Dr. R.A. Torrey who said, "I claim to be a scholarly preacher. I have a right to so claim. I have taken two degrees, specializing in Greek
in one of the most highly esteemed universities in America. I have also studied in two German universities. I have read the Bible in three languages every day of my life for many years. I have studied a large share of what has been written on both sides of the question in English and in German. I have written thirty or forty different books which have been translated into many languages. Yes, I believe in scholarship and I believe in the old-fashioned doctrine regarding Hell."
Yes, and we could mention other men, greatly used of God, who believed in Hell. D.L. Moody, "The same Christ that tells us of Heaven with all its glories, tells us of Hell with all its horrors." Henry Ward Beecher, "The thought of future punishment for
sinners which the Bible reveals is enough to make an earthquake of terror in every man's soul. "Dr. W.N. Clarke, "The principle of retribution is right because good ought to work good and evil ought to work evil." Billy Sunday, "You will not be in Hell five minutes until you believe there is one."
But hear now the voice of Christ: "Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: ... And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal" (Matthew 25:41,46).
There is a real Hell for everyone who rejects the salvation offered in the Cross-work of Christ.
Possible biblical clue seen in computer worm hitting Iran
Some experts say program's code might include reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them.
Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimed at slowing Iran's race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be a fleeting reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament tale in which the Jews pre-empt a Persian plot to destroy them.
That use of the word "Myrtus" — which can be read as an allusion to Esther — to name a file inside the code is one of several murky clues that have emerged as computer experts try to trace the origin and purpose of the rogue Stuxnet program, which seeks out a specific kind of command module for industrial equipment.
There are many competing explanations for myrtus, which could simply signify myrtle, a plant important to many cultures in the region. But some security experts see the reference as an allusion to the Hebrew word for Esther, and as a warning in a mounting technological and psychological battle as Israel and its allies try to breach Iran's nuclear project. Others doubt the Israelis were involved and say the word could have been inserted as deliberate misinformation to implicate Israel.
Carol Newsom, an Old Testament scholar at Emory University, confirmed the linguistic connection, noting that Queen Esther's original name in Hebrew was Hadassah, which is similar to the Hebrew word for myrtle. Perhaps, she said, "someone was making a learned cross-linguistic wordplay."
"The Iranians are already paranoid about the fact that some of their scientists have defected and several of their secret nuclear sites have been revealed," one former intelligence official who still works on Iran issues said recently. "Whatever the origin and purpose of Stuxnet, it ramps up the psychological pressure."
New U.S. sanctions
Meanwhile, the Obama administration stepped up pressure against Iran's government Wednesday, slapping financial and travel sanctions on eight Iranian officials and accusing them of taking part in rampant human rights abuses.
Under an executive order signed this week by President Barack Obama, the State and Treasury departments jointly announced the sanctions that target Iranians who "share responsibility for the sustained and severe violation of human rights in Iran," notably after last year's disputed presidential elections.
The move bars the eight Iranians from entering the United States, blocks any of their U.S. assets and prohibits Americans from doing business with them.
Most Americans believe in God but don't know religious tenets
Americans are clear on God but foggy on facts about faiths.
The new U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey, released today by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, finds that although 86% of us believe in God or a higher power, we don't know our own traditions or those of neighbors across the street or across the globe.
Among 3,412 adults surveyed, only 2% correctly answered at least 29 of 32 questions on the Bible, major religious figures, beliefs and practices. The average score was 16 correct (50%).
Key findings:
•Doctrines don't grab us. Only 55% of Catholic respondents knew the core teaching that the bread and wine in the Mass become the body and blood of Christ, and are not merely symbols. Just 19% of Protestants knew the basic tenet that salvation is through faith alone, not actions as well.
•Basic Bible eludes us. Just 55% of all respondents knew the Golden Rule isn't one of the Ten Commandments; 45% could name all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
•World religions are a struggle. Fewer than half (47%) knew that the Dalai Lama is a Buddhist; 27% knew most people in Indonesia are Muslims.
"People say, 'I have a personal connection with God and that's really all I need to know.' Who am I to argue?" says Pew's Alan Cooperman, a co-author of the report.
But religion, as a force in history and a motivator in present times, "has consequences in the world," he adds, so an intellectual baseline, whatever your faith or lack of faith, can "shape your role as a citizen in the public square."
The top scoring groups were atheists/agnostics, Jews and Mormons. These tiny groups, adding up to less than 7% of Americans, scored particularly well on world religion and U.S. constitutional questions. It's unclear why, although highly educated people overall did best on the quiz, researchers say.
It may be that the conscious choice to take a minority faith or philosophic stand requires an intellectual engagement with religion to a greater degree than experienced by Protestants and Catholics, who dominate U.S. culture. Eight in 10 atheists and agnostics grew up in a religious tradition, chiefly a branch of Christianity, says Greg Smith, a Pew senior researcher.
The single question most people answered correctly: 89% knew that according to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, public school teachers cannot lead their classes in prayer.
But only 36% of respondents knew teachers are allowed to teach classes comparing world religions, and just 23% knew that teachers can read from the Bible as an example of literature.
"If the public thinks there are greater restriction than there really are, how much impact does this have in the real world when they are looking at religion's place in public life?" Smith asks.
Most respondents have some understanding of the First Amendment: 68% knew that the Constitution says "the government shall neither establish a religion nor interfere with the practice of religion." But, says Smith, "they don't get the specifics."
Questions about half of respondents nailed: 51% knew Joseph Smith was a Mormon; 54% could name the Quran as Islam's holy text. (The survey was conducted May 19-June 6, before a Florida pastor's threat to burn the Quran made headlines.)
Stumpers: Just 8% knew Maimonides was an influential Jewish rabbi. Only 11% knew that the fiery preacher and theologian who participated in the First Great Awakening, an 18th-century Protestant revival, was Jonathan Edwards, not 19th-century evangelist Charles Finney or today's Billy Graham.
Smith says education was the single best predictor of how people scored.
Respondents who went to graduate school answered twice as many questions correctly as people who didn't complete high school.
Overall, men scored better than women, whites score better than blacks and Hispanics, and Southerners did worse than the rest of the nation, Smith said.
The authors say they didn't give the public a grade on its religious knowledge like a school test, such as an A or F.
Why? Because, they say, "We have no objective way of determining how much the public should know about religion."
HUMANISTS HAVE LONG BRAGGED THAT PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM DESTROYS BIBLICAL FAITH (Friday Church News Notes, October 1, 2010,,, 866-295-4143) - Paul Blanshard made the following statement in the 1976 edition of The Humanist magazine: “I think that the most important factor moving us toward a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is 16 tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The average American child now acquires a high school education, and this militates against Adam and Eve and all the other myths of alleged history" (The Humanist, March/April 1976, p. 17).
You can't advertise with us – you're 'Christian'
You can't advertise with us – you're 'Christian'
Mere mention of bookstore's name flagged as too 'offensive, sensitive'
Posted: October 01, 2010
9:30 pm Eastern
By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
A bookstore in Kittanning, Pa., was told its advertisement in a local restaurant's holiday menu was rejected by the ad publisher, simply because the store had the word "Christian" in its name.
Reverend Don Toy, owner of the Christian Book and Gift Shop, told The Kittanning Paper that a salesman entered his store and sold him a business-sized, $135 advertisement to run in a special Christmas menu at Garda's Restaurant in nearby Ford City.
But, Toy said, the salesman returned a few hours later and told him, "''We have a problem. I contacted headquarters. Our company has rejected your ad. They told me I have to return your check. We don't take religious advertising. They are exercising the clause in the contract you signed [stating] their right to cancel with you.'"
Specifically, the clause in the contract with Brecht-Pacific Publishing, Incorporated, located in Longview, Wash., states the publisher "reserves the right to refuse, edit or omit any portion of any ad that we think is offensive, sensitive, questionable or otherwise not in good taste."
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