Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday 04-17-16

SCIENTISTS PROVE THAT EVOLUTION IS BUNK (Friday Church News Notes, April 15, 2016,,, 866-295-4143) - A team of computer scientists and electrical engineers representing the University of Washington and Microsoft have unwittingly proved that evolution is nonsense by their new system to encode, store, and retrieve data using DNA molecules. The molecules are so efficient that they “can store information many millions of times more densely than existing technologies for digital storage--flash drives, hard drives, magnetic and optical media” (“UW team stores digital images in DNA,” UW Today, Apr. 7, 2016). Yet they would have us believe that while data storage systems such as flash drives are products of high intelligence, the DNA molecule and the living cell, though vastly superior as “technology”--and living, to boot!--is the product of blind chance. Luis Ceze, UW professor of computer science and engineering who is working on the project, says, “Life has produced this fantastic molecule called DNA that efficiently stores all kinds of information about your genes and how a living system works.” The fantastic molecule was produced by “life.” It just happened. The fine-tuned, organized universe exploded out of nothing; life leaped out of non-life; intelligence arose from non-intelligence. And they have the gall to say that it is the Creationist who exercises “blind faith”!

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