This article was written by Aaron Dykes and originally published at
Editor’s Comment: Not only is the government inept at handling a crisis, they are generally aimed, ultimately, at exerting greater control over society. From the response to Hurricane Katrina, to the possibility of a major economic collapse and break down of society, there is every reason to avoid being corralled into a FEMA camp and “helped” by the Feds.
As every prepper knows, this is the time to plan ahead, and enact that plan to reach your retreat and survive with the supplies and preparations you have made while remaining off the radar. If you can’t make it to your out-of-the-way destination, or if that alternative is no longer desirable, making do in the woods or even abandoned buildings is probably preferable to lining up and taking orders from the martial law crowd. Things could turn especially ugly if you end up on one of their lists…
Apparently, Fleeing the City During A Crisis for Rural Shelter Is “Treason”
by Aaron Dykes
If there is a major crisis – from an economic collapse, to a terror attack, natural disaster or mass civil unrest – your first thought may be to escape the city and retreat to the safety of your hideaway shelter in the countryside. But that’s exactly what the collectivist government DOESN’T want you to do.
Instead, they want you to line up and join the masses at overcrowded FEMA camps and public shelters… and hope for the best.
Propaganda films during the atomic age were heavy on the scare tactics, but this one made clear that self-reliance and prepper-minded individuals are going too far against society – and should be regarded as “deserters” and “treasonous” if they don’t stay put in their cities, follow orders and show up for their job.
After all, it is a collective effort, and even the threat of nuclear annihilation is no excuse for going off on your own – even to save your own family (though that certainly won’t stop the elite from doing so…).
The real reason is that – just as today with terrorism – the government wants a malleable and obedient population that will take orders from central authorities and join the herd. It is instinct and survival against mass conformity and power.
True survival minded people aren’t wanted unless they are in uniform serving government objectives and power.
Milo Yiannopoulos: ‘Outright Terrifying’ That Facebook Teamed Up with Government to Censor Users
Yiannopoulos discussed the current business turmoil at Twitter and how, instead of trying to right the ship, the social platform is trying to flex its political muscle with moves that will marginalize right-wing voices. More disturbingly, he said, is the more financially stable Facebook and its coordination with government censorship:
It’s not just Facebook we’re talking about. They own WhatsApp and they own Instagram. And WhatsApp and Instagram are two of the companies that are winning the short messaging war–that are winning the war for Millennial attention and for Millennial users. Twitter lost that war. Twitter only really appeals to media people: people like you and people like me. We want to kind of keep in touch with our peers. And then some of our fans who are, like, really really keen might sign up for a Twitter account just to see our witty sayings or whatever clever lines we toss off on the way to the train station in the morning. But primarily, Twitter has lost that war. Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp–these are the networks that have billions of users. These are the networks that are getting young users, and Facebook owns two of those three.Yiannopoulos also discussed the protesters at his Tuesday appearance at Rutgers University, whose outbursts interrupted a speech on diversity in points of view. The offended students smeared fake blood on themselves and chanted “Black Lives Matter.”
The other thing to bear in mind is that Facebook so far has a really really bad track record when it comes to free speech. And not just a bad track record censoring different political opinions like Twitter does. Facebook’s moves are even more sinister, in a way. Facebook has teamed up with governments to censor certain political opinions that the incumbent party doesn’t like. In Germany, for instance, Facebook has teamed up with Angela Merkel to censor reasonable, respectable, mainstream concern about mass Muslim immigration–or just about mass immigration in general–and has started removing this stuff and classifying it as “hate speech.” It is effectively slandering its own users saying that their perfectly reasonable points of view constitute “hate speech” and that they’re not going to be allowed on Facebook, and Facebook has promised the German government that this stuff will be removed within 24 hours. That is outright Orwellian. That is outright terrifying.
MARLOW: All these people who want to shut you down–who don’t want to hear you, who want to disrupt, who want to start doing essentially performance art when you show up–what is their psyche, do you believe? What are they thinking that they think this is an appropriate and convincing response?MARLOW: You are correct that they’re not thinking. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I think you’re right. They can’t be thinking, ’cause if you think about–this got picked up on the Drudge Report. And the headline wasn’t “Milo speaks at Rutgers.” The headline was “Feminists and Black Lives Matters doused in blood protest conservative speaker.” So then, you get hundreds of thousands of more clicks on the story and then they all click on it and they’re watching video of you talk, they’re seeing your message. And you even get the moral high ground because they’re trying to disrupt you. You’ve become the victim. It’s so amazing that they’re incapable of doing that math.
YIANNOPOULOS: I don’t think they are thinking. They’re both stupid and ill-educated. If they were a bit better educated, they would understand about the Streisand Effect and they would understand that protesting someone on campus just gives them a bigger platform, more attention, and more people listening to what they have to say.
Anybody trying to censor or cover up or have removed any kind of information or any sort of juicy factoid or photograph or person–this doesn’t work in the Internet era. It doesn’t work anymore. It worked in the ’60s when Alinsky was writing his Rules for Radicals because you were able to successfully pull the wool over people’s eyes by just not talking about things. But when we have Twitter and sort of hyper-connected–particularly hyper-connected college campuses, because, of course, news travels so fast–it just doesn’t work. So you can’t silence somebody by drawing more attention to them and protesting. It’s just plainly dumb.
And in the Internet era, when that spectacle becomes an Internet sensation–hundreds of thousands of people on YouTube have watched these guys protesting me and discussed how ridiculous they are–the only function of that protest is to draw more attention to me. So, in a way, I’m grateful to them. I would have had to pay tens of thousands of dollars for this level of marketing. So I’m very happy with that.
MARLOW: You are correct that they’re not thinking. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I think you’re right. They can’t be thinking, ’cause if you think about–this got picked up on the Drudge Report. And the headline wasn’t “Milo speaks at Rutgers.” The headline was “Feminists and Black Lives Matters doused in blood protest conservative speaker.” So then, you get hundreds of thousands of more clicks on the story and then they all click on it and they’re watching video of you talk, they’re seeing your message. And you even get the moral high ground because they’re trying to disrupt you. You’ve become the victim. It’s so amazing that they’re incapable of doing that math.
MILO: It’s just the thing, like–anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I have a bit of a potty mouth. And I can be a little bit cheap and a little bit low-rent sometimes. And I’m the contrarian. I’m the one taking the counter-intuitive dissident perspectives. You have to really go some to give me the moral high ground. The left is giving this potty-mouthed satirist the moral high ground. I mean, are they nuts? I think that, strategically speaking, they are dumb.
MILO: It’s just the thing, like–anyone who follows me on Twitter knows I have a bit of a potty mouth. And I can be a little bit cheap and a little bit low-rent sometimes. And I’m the contrarian. I’m the one taking the counter-intuitive dissident perspectives. You have to really go some to give me the moral high ground. The left is giving this potty-mouthed satirist the moral high ground. I mean, are they nuts? I think that, strategically speaking, they are dumb.
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