Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday 06-05-15

Scam or real?

Recently Hawking made some comments in an interview with Anderson cooper about a brain booster that would become the biggest event in human history

Steven Hawking has long been known as a go-to mind in the science community for future predictions. It was Hawking who stated that he fears contact with extraterrestrial life, warning us that alien life might try to conquer and colonize Earth. He goes on to cite examples throughout history that prove his theory saying "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," Hawking has said in a forthcoming documentary made for the Discovery Channel. He argues that, instead of trying to find and communicate with life in the cosmos, humans would be better off doing everything they can to avoid contact.

Many predictions have been made by great minds throughout history, most notably is famed philosopher and predictor, Nostrodomas. What is it exactly that leads one into the field of making predictions? Turns out a little while back, notes from famous mathematician Sir Isaac Newton revealed a multitude of diverse ingredients when that combined together enhance brain function. This is no surprise, as newton was well known to be an Alchemist, mixing chemicals, serums and ingredients and testing it on himself, all in search to find the philosophers stone. Is it possible that we have found that now?

Steven Hawking credits his ability to function and maintained focused on such a high level to a certain set of “smart drugs” that enhance cognitive brain function and neural connectivity, while strengthening the prefrontal cortex and boosting memory and recall.

Upon the release of Newton’s formula, written in his notes he left behind, many teams of neurotropic brain pills hit the market, however the results would vary greatly. It wasn’t until
Alpha ZXT added and updated the formula that people started reporting amazing results. Alpha ZXT did their homework. They have spent all their money on research and development, digging through the records of history page by page to find the ingredients. Upon their discovery they implemented a strategy among the top scientists on the verge of innovative breakthroughs in their specific field to work together on coming up with a formula for todays market. They came up with Alpha ZXT

In an interview with Anderson Cooper, Steven Hawking said that his ability to predict the future doesn’t exist, but his brain is sharer than ever, more clear and focused and he credits a large part to using
Alpha ZXT Hawking went on to add “The brain is like a muscle, you got to work it out and use supplements just like body builders use, but for your brain, and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing to enhance my mental capabilities”.

Everyone that has taken this, from athletes like Tom Brady to musicians like kanye West have nothing but praise for the brain booster, which doubles IQ, skyrockets energy levels and connects areas of the brain not previously connected.
Alpha ZXT works so well for these guys, we had to ask... Is it safe?

“Countless aging celebs admit they avoided taking adderall, by taking this clear pill.”


In a recent speech he gave at a science convention in New York City, Denzel Washington left the audience speechless. He said, "I would not be able to have the energy I have, the focus and ability to memorize my movie lines after just reading them once - if it wasn't for Alpha ZXT "

To corroborate his story, Denzel brought on to the stage, MIT scientist Peter Molnar. Peter went right after adderall, saying "We tested Alpha ZXT " Vs. Adderall with 1000 subjects, over a 10 day period and the results were shocking... Alpha ZXT - out performed Adderall and we concluded that it was 600% more effective and subjects doubled their IQ while taking Alpha ZXT."

”Denzel stepped back on to the podium, and mentioned "Drugmaker Shire Was Fined $56.5 Million for Claiming Adderall Can 'Normalize' Kids with ADHD As Well As Fight Dementia" He said these claims were completely bogus." They were deemed deceptive and this is the reason Denzel wanted to reveal this all-natural clinically proven brain boosting pill that he credits his success to Alpha ZXT. Denzel has since been criticized for exposing what is now known as ‘Viagra for the brain’ by big pharmaceutical companies who feel threatened about this short-cut.

However, the actor hit back by saying the individuals who could really gain an advantage from this type of information are not just the ones in the elite social class but rather people like you and me. So why don't scientists and major companies want you to know about this? Because the results say it all... Alpha ZXT is proven to work 600% better then adderall , there are absolutely no harmful ingredients, it's none-addictive and 79% of participants double their IQ within 24 hours and maintained that IQ the entire time they were studied.

This Is The Closest Thing To 'The Limit-Less' Pill, Says Bradley Cooper!

There's already been previous controversy around the memory-enhancing pill which was the inspiration for the movie ‘Limitless'. Heavily praised by Gary Stix as 'the missing link in human evolution' in his report 'Turbo-charging the Brain' , when released, the use of Alpha ZXT became widespread amongst young professionals. Specifically, men benefited the most as the effects were amplified due to the ingredients’ reaction to a gene called Alpha ZXT in the male brain. They reported having 'lazer beam focus' and were thinking sharper, improving their memory and turbo charging their energy levels. Reports have been flooding in by the thousands that this pill is helping men effortlessly attract and seduce beautiful women with their new found quick wit and charm.

“Alpha ZXT was recently given honary mention in Forbes' printed and online magazine editions as being the pill that can turn you into 'the quickest thinker on the planet'.”
The use of Alpha ZXT pills became widespread after Limitless became a Box Office smash hit and publicly referenced Alpha ZXT as it’s inspiration, and I have provided the link for you to get the exact dosage Denzel takes Alpha ZXT

“This is the brain advancement miracle of the decade as far as I'm concerned.” Bradley Cooper

So what is it?

Alpha ZXT soon became known as the ‘most powerful self-development trick on earth’. Not long after, everyone from quiz show contestants to university students were taking the pill to double their IQ, triple their salary and achieve peak performance in little time. Alpha ZXT, which has no recorded side effects in any trials, was soon the target of several major pharmaceutical companies who claimed it gave people an unfair advantage over anyone who was unaware of its existence. The pill was eventually banned on shows like Jeopardy! and at top universities such as Cambridge before production of the limitless pills were halted.  
Alpha ZXT Brain Booster.

"With this product getting smart has never been easier And double your IQ over night." Dr. Oz said this is why Alpha ZXT is so effective. It was one of the few products on the market with the right consistency and dosage.

After several years and over 2000 trials at The Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU), Alpha ZXT pills are back in production and recent reports are proving the superhero making drug is more powerful then ever. Take one pill a day and your mind will be clearer then that of a Zen-monk’s, your ability to focus and power through your to-do list will also be a thing of the past and after consistent use, you will become the perfect version of yourself. Critics of the pill are of course making their voices heard and if the effectiveness of Alpha ZXT is stronger then it previously was then these will not be around much longer. With such a powerful opportunity to lower your stress levels, master your emotions and make millions of dollarts, it's only a matter of time before Alpha ZXT pills are once again the target of major pharmaceutical companies who are seeing a decline in their profit. There are quite a number of celebrities who use the ‘Limitless’ pill to boost their brain performance and keep up with the hectic schedule of constant celebrity appearances and interviews, all while living a life of perfect social and professional balance. Will Smith, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino and Daniel Craig are a few of Hollywood’s finest that have been reported to use Alpha ZXT to deliver some of their best acting performances and screenplays.

"We tested it ourselves - is it all hype?"

With so much media praise and countless reviews of people experiencing success with Alpha ZXT, we wanted to verify whether this was all hype. Almost every single man in the building volunteered to test it out but we chose our Senior Chief Editor Alan Frasier. Below is his account of using Alpha ZXT over a 14 day period.


14 Day Summary - Alan's Alpha ZXT Results:

Alan is a 56 year old, and has been a writer for over 30 years."The Alpha ZXT pills were extremely hard to come by" says Alan. He goes on to say, "If you can get your hands on these pills - get them right away." We had to wait 2 weeks before we got a bottle to test as it was sold out almost everywhere or over $300 a bottle from people trying to sell it for profit ebay. People were paying top dollar for them on there.

Here are his results....

Day One:

After the first day of using Alpha ZXT .
I took one and forgot all about it. Maybe 20-30 minutes later I felt odd. I can only describe it by saying my mind felt calm and still. I was playing a 'mensa mind game' and scored 100% on every answer. It was like that feeling you get when you have just woken up. Light headed so to speak but this was different. I was light headed and spaced out but in the zone at the same time. Can’t explain it - but it was awesome.

day 5:

I was shocked at the drastic results.Over the course of the next 5 days I found myself bouncing out of bed and felt ready to take on the day - usually I need to snooze 3 times. I felt motivation to get stuff done and often power through.

day 14:

After 14 days, not only had all my doubts and scepticism absolutely vanished - Thing’s that annoyed me were no longer an issue. I hardly got stressed and when I did, I was able to control my emotions and get back into peak performance and state.

My thoughts on Alpha ZXT?
The pills are the real deal. I’ve tried modafinil and other smart drugs but this is by far the closest thing to feeling like you are Bradley Cooper from Limitless. Since then 90% of us have reoccurring subscriptions to make sure we never run out as I hear very few people can get a hold of these. If you happen to come across these, you can move on with your day and go about your life or you can spare 2 minutes and take what is the most important step to becoming the man you want to be.
**Because of recent coverage in the media, supplies are running very low.
You can check to see if Alpha ZXT is still available
here** Alpha ZXT was recently given honary mention in Forbes' printed and online magazine editions as being the pill that can turn you into 'the quickest thinker on the planet'

One Month Later: Alan Can Now Read 200 words per minute and scored 50 points above average on his most recent IQ test Alpha ZXT

The Verdict:

Using the Alpha ZXT  has been clinically proven to
  • Sky-rocket Concentration by 32%
  • Improve Creative Thinking
  • Boost Energy
  • Enhance Memory Recall
  • Increase IQ Scores by 47%
Should Alpha ZXT be legal? YES... There are no side-effects, you will be more productive, you will remember more than ever and this type of brain capacity is linked to most millionaires.

Will This Work For You?

When Alpha ZXT was originally banned a lot of people were angry. There were no side effects then and as it stands there are no side effects with the stronger formula. Even the pill from the movie Limitless had side effects and that was make-believe. That said, all our users followed the directions and did not go overboard so it’s strongly recommended to use common sense when taking these.
Alpha ZXT is the only pill of it’s kind where the user benefits and grows the more he takes. Normally the body gets used to most medications but throughout all trials all users made continued progress as the weeks went on.

Remember, you need to get a few month supply, there are major shortages Alpha ZXT

In regards to whether these should be legal? Yes they should. In fact,the truth is the ‘health and safety’ of the product was never a concern. Major competing companies created uproar due to their heavily sinking profits when Alpha ZXT was becoming widely used. Even more companies are joining in this time so we have no doubt that production of Alpha ZXT pills will be stopped once again.

Could our brains stay forever young? Memories can survive cryogenic preservation, study shows

It is a technology that has remained firmly in the realms of science fiction, but new research has provided hope for those hoping to be revived after being cryogenically frozen.
The study claims to have shown for the first time that memories formed before an animal has been frozen can survive intact after it has been thawed.
While the experiments were carried out in an organism with a somewhat simpler brain than humans – nematode worms – they answer an important question about the cryogenic process.
Alcore Life Extension Foundation in Arizona (pictured above) is one of the cyrogenic preservation companies where people have had their bodies or heads frozen in liquid nitrogen. New research suggests the techniques used to preserve the bodies - should it ever be possible to revive them - leave memories in tact
Alcore Life Extension Foundation in Arizona (pictured above) is one of the cyrogenic preservation companies where people have had their bodies or heads frozen in liquid nitrogen. New research suggests the techniques used to preserve the bodies - should it ever be possible to revive them - leave memories in tact
Overall there are not many creatures capable of being revived after being cryogenically frozen, and it has never been successfully achieved with any mammal.
However, if they could be reanimated, scientists have questioned whether the memory and personality of someone who had gone through the process would remain the same.
The freezing process can cause damage to cells if not conducted without cryopreservative chemicals, and the effects of these is not well understood.


A leech has been found to be able to survive after being submerged in liquid nitrogen.
Ozobranchus jantseanus, a parasite found inside freshwater turtles, can be successfully reanimated after exposure to an astonishing -196°C for 24 hours.
It can also survive in temperatures of -90°C for nearly three years.
The discovery was made by a team of Japanese scientists who found a still-living leech attached to a frozen turtle.
Most organisms expire after freezing because of the damage caused by the water in their cells when it freezes. 
The new findings, conducted by researchers working for the cyronics industry, reveal that, in worms at least, memories stored in the brain can survive the process.
Natasha Vita-More, a researcher for the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona, said: 'This is the first evidence of preservation of memory after cryopreservation.
'Further research on larger organisms with more complex nervous systems could prove to be beneficial to the issue of cryopreservation, including, specifically, memory retention after reviving.'
Worldwide there are only an estimated 300 people who have undergone cryopreservation after they have died in the hope that they can be revived using future technology.
However, the industry is extremely controversial and has attracted criticism from scientists.
Although a popular theme in science fiction movies such as Forever Young, Demolition Man and Austin Powers, it has never been possible to successfully revive a human or any mammal.
The researches showed worms trained to react to a smell reacted could still remember their training after being cryogenically preserved using either a slow freezing process or vitrification with protectant chemicals
The researches showed worms trained to react to a smell reacted could still remember their training after being cryogenically preserved using either a slow freezing process or vitrification with protectant chemicals
Cryogenic preservation features in several science fiction films, including Forever Young staring Mel Gibson, shown above, but in reality it has never been possible to successfully revive any mammal using the process
Cryogenic preservation features in several science fiction films, including Forever Young staring Mel Gibson, shown above, but in reality it has never been possible to successfully revive any mammal using the process
Some species of frog, arctic fish and insects are able to survive multiple freezing and thaw cycles because they have a naturally occurring antifreeze in their cells that protect them from ice.
In other animals, freezing causes the growth of ice crystals that can burst or damage their cells.
In an attempt to combat this the cryonics industry has developed chemicals to protect the cells. Using techniques like vitrification – rapid cooling – can also help reduce damage.
This has allowed scientists to preserve mammalian cells and even an entire organ from a rabbit before reviving them, but never for a whole body.
The impact of using these techniques on the delicate structures of the brain has also been a subject of increasing debate.
To answer this Dr Vita-More and Daniel Barranco of the University of Seville, and the CryoBioTech research group at the University of Seville, trained the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans to respond in specific ways when they smelled benzaldehyde.
In a series of experiments, published in the journal Rejuvenation Research, they placed trained and untrained worms through different cryopreservation methods.
The researchers trained nematode Caenorhabditis elegans worms, like the one shown above, to react to the smell of benzaldehyde and found that they retained their memory of this after being cryogenically frozen
The researchers trained nematode Caenorhabditis elegans worms, like the one shown above, to react to the smell of benzaldehyde and found that they retained their memory of this after being cryogenically frozen
They found that while only a third of the worms that were preserved using a slow freezing method compared to those frozen using vitrification, both groups retained memories of how to respond to the benzaldehyde smell.
The worms were left frozen for 30 minutes before they were thawed. 
The results showed those worms which had been cryogenically frozen equalled those that had not been frozen at all in tests of their memory for the smell.
The researchers said: 'We demonstrated that cryoprotectants used in both the slow freezing and vitrification processes do not affect, alter, or change the mechanism that regulates the olfactory imprinting and long-term memory.
Secondly, we determined that the process of cryopreservation methods of slow freezing or vitrification do not affect, alter, or change this mechanism.'


The Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Arizona charges around $200,000 for a person's body to be frozen after they die.
The industry is being fueled by the hope that as medical science advances, it may be possible to bring the dead back to life.
Among those whose remains are frozen in the liquid nitrogen containment tanks of Alcor's facility is the legendary Boston Red Sox baseball player Ted Williams.
His family spent $100,000 to have the baseball legend’s remains sent to a cryonics lab in Arizona.
Alcor Life Extension is the world’s largest cryonics company, and it claims it is signing up customers from all over the world who want their bodies preserved when they die.
It is illegal to place a living human into cryonic preservation and it is only carried out once a client has been declared.
While some chose to preserve their whole body, others opt for freezing just their brain at a cost of $80,000 in the hope it can be transplanted into a living body.
The preservation process begins by moving a body to an ice bed and cover them in a loose, slushy layer of ice.
A device called a 'heart-lung resuscitator’ is used to get the blood pumping through the body again, and medication is applied to the body to prevent the cells from deteriorating.
Next as much blood and bodily fluids are drained, then they are replaced with a solution like antifreeze.
Major blood vessels are then flushed of any blood then they are swabbed with the antifreeze solution. 
The antifreeze solution is used so that ice crystals do not form and damage any cells.
The body is then cooled down to about 0.5 degrees celsius every hour until the final temperature of -195 degrees celciusis achieved over three weeks then the frozen body is stored.

Are gun trusts a good idea?

ATF Rule 1140-AA43

The Department of Justice is planning to finalize a proposed rule to amend the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regarding the making or transferring of a firearm under the National Firearms Act. As proposed, the rule would; (1) add a definition for the term “responsible person”; (2) require each responsible person of a corporation, trust or legal entity to complete a specified form, and to submit photographs and fingerprints; and (3) modify the requirements regarding the certificate of the chief law enforcement officer (CLEO).

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