Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday 03-02-15

It seems to always be about control, if it is not gun control is you what you and what you can not eat, where you can go and not go, always have to have your approved government identification.  You don't have use of all your land you bought some of it is (federally controlled) wetlands and some of you have to make a tree save area and so on, it seems never ending

Not just gun control
Remember, it’s not just guns they want to control. I find several parts of this whole fiasco disturbing. Right from the beginning of the article, DHS and FAA held a “conference was open to civilians, but explicitly closed to the press. One attendee described it as an eye-opener.” When one of those attendees (who runs a small drone shop) posted a picture and notes from the conference, DHS asked him to take it down (he complied).
Then we get to the meat of the issue – that a drone manufacturer unilaterally chose to add all of DC to their drones’ internal “no-fly” map. First, of course, that their drones have a “no-fly” map in the first place, and secondly, that “DJI is preparing an update that will increase the number of airport no fly zones from 710 to 10,000, and prevent users from flying across some national borders.” This is of course, pointless, as there are other manufacturers as the spokesam for DJI points out. Wired also points out that this won’t prevent terrorism, because there will always be workarounds, legal or otherwise.
Sebastian noted a while back about the wishes of gun-control advocates to be able to erect “no-smartgun” zones at will. It looks like their counterparts in drone control will get that wish. I can only hope that DJI gets what Smith and Wesson got from firearms enthusiasts when they kow-towed to the government.

This one is supposed to be humor, but it too sad to be true, go to the source and see it.

Dakota Johnson’s ‘SNL’ ISIS spoof stirs outrage online

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