Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday 04-03-12

This is a good article, i wish it were a little less colorful, but here it is

Are Americans Subjects Or Citizens?

There comes a point where the nauseating load of crap that is emitted from the lower and rear orifice of certain media punditry needs to be exposed for what it is.

This is that point.

The Justice Department opened an investigation this week into the killing of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old high school student who was shot dead on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Florida.
Good. We should get to the bottom line on this.

Martin was returning to the home of his father’s girlfriend from a 7-Eleven, armed with a package of Skittles and an iced tea, when he was killed. George Zimmerman -- a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, according to news reports -- had called 911 and proceeded to follow Martin, even after the dispatcher advised him not to. Soon after, Zimmerman told police, he shot Martin.
What we don't know at this point is why Zimmerman shot him. We know what he claims and we know what the hysteria in the media would like this to be, but we don't know the truth.

If Zimmerman committed felony assault, manslaughter or murder he should be charged, tried and if found guilty punished. Florida Law includes "10/20/Life" for commission of a felony while using a firearm, so if he is convicted he's going away on an effective permanent basis, and the "20 to Life" term for the shooting is consecutive with any other sentence (e.g. for manslaughter or homicide.)

But Zimmerman's acts are his and that someone misuses a gallon of gasoline to commit arson is not cause to ban filling your car with the same substance!

The facts are that Florida's crime rate has declined precipitously since 1990:

Florida passed "must-issue" concealed carry in 1987 in response to a boom in crime in Florida during the 1980s. Critics said that this law would lead to a "shooting gallery" and drive crimes through the roof.

What has happened to both crime and violent crime since? Violent crime has dropped from 1,220.9 per 100,000 in 1990 to 542.9 in 2010, a drop of more than half. (2011 numbers are not yet out.)

Oh that chart is rather inconvenient, isn't it?

The truth, however, along with the fact that we don't have facts at this point for the incident under consideration doesn't bother Bloomberg -- he, and his media company, are prepared to call for the violation of every citizen's Constitutional rights based upon one event irrespective of the fact that criminal acts, including serious assault and murder, have been in precipitous decline correlated with "must-issue" concealed carry in this state.

Whether the media is right or wrong about this particular case and whether or not this shooting was the act of a madman Bloomberg's advocacy is treading damn close to an open act of sedition and should be viewed as such.

Crime is a problem in the U.S. So are guns. According to the local police chief, Zimmerman, 28, had a permit for a concealed weapon, which is easily obtained in Florida. He also had a penchant for calling the police, having made 46 such callsin the past 13 months to report suspicious behavior. Based on news reports, it appears that Zimmerman believed he had much to fear from crime. As things turned out, Martin had much more to fear from Zimmerman’s gun.
Well then we must disarm all police officers immediately. We must also recall and forbid all secret service and other political protection and especially mayoral protection for Bloomberg.


Because cops sometimes misuse guns. In fact, they not only sometimes misuse guns, they also sometimes cover it up, they sometimes dispose of bodies to hide their crimes, including by burning them, and they sometimes "throw down" guns on people they shoot in cold blood. In fact, this sort of abuse is distressingly common and often requires years to finally be prosecuted, if it ever is!

Brandon also took photos at other key incidents in the days after Katrina that have spawned federal investigations and indictments. He was embedded with the SWAT unit after the hurricane, and he witnessed the aftermath of the Danziger Bridge incident, in which six unarmed civilians were shot by police. He was also on the scene of the shooting of Keenon McCann, in which police shot the apparently unarmed man while he stood under a highway overpass waiting for help in the aftermath of the storm.
Brandon's photos, taken on the day of McCann's shooting, show Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann, who is on trial for beating the men who tried to aid Glover and for burning Glover's body, aiming his gun at McCann. Scheuermann and another officer -- Captain Jeff Winn -- have admitted shooting McCann, although they claim he was armed and posing a threat. No gun was found at the scene.

Note that it took years before the DOJ got involved in this and actually brought charges. But in this case the DOJ is involved in days, not weeks, months or years. Why? Because peasants were killed in Katrina by cops, right?

And by the way this particular set of circumstances is not a presumption, unlike the situation in Florida where Bloomberg is demanding the violation of every American's Constitutional Rights.

Five officers were found guilty in the Danzinger Bridge incident of various charges, including covering up what happened and planting a gun on the dead body of the victim.

But I don't see Bloomberg calling for the removal of guns from the police.

Why not?

We could talk about Gun Walker too. You know, that fabulous set of actions by the very people supposed to regulate guns that in fact allowed hundreds of them go across the border to Mexico with full knowledge that they were intended to be used unlawfully and they then were used to murder both Mexican and American citizens.

Who has gone to prison for that?


And why not?

I'll tell you why not. Bloomberg -- and Bloomberg "News", along with the feral government believes you're a peasant and thus you should be shot and murdered any time a cop -- or Bloomberg -- thinks you should be shot.

That is, in Bloomberg's view you don't have rights.

Any rights.

You only have privileges granted by government, which it can withdraw any time it would like, up to and including the privilege to live. This same "privilege" view is one you've accepted in many areas of your life, including travel (TSA and Driver Licenses), ownership of property (taxing possession of property, aka real estate taxes), free speech ("Occupy", the new laws criminalizing simple speech anywhere the government might be and more) and even the right to life (when some cop decides to shoot you in cold blood, lie about it, plant a gun on you or even burn your body.)

Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? No. You've been declared a peasant. A slave to the crown. A crown worn by Bloomberg. A crown worn by Obama. And they not only assert the right to enforce their retraction of your privilege to live, to travel, to take a crap or to eat with money, they assert the right to enforce that withdrawal of privilege with force, including deadly force, any time they'd like.

To be blunt they assert the right to kill you at any point in time for any reason whatsoever and then lie to both your next of kin and the public about what happened and why.

These are the positions of despots. Of tyrants. Positions that more than 200 years ago the founders put their foot down against and decided to shoot first, declaring that there was going to be no more of that crap on this land and that the tyrants of the time would either fold, die, or they would die trying to eject them.

They won and we have a nation called America as a consequence.

But "America" today looks much more like Colonial America pre-Revolution in terms of your rights (or rather, the lack thereof) than post-Revolution 1787 when The Constitution formally ensconced protection of the rights declared by the founders in 1776.

The positions of Bloomberg and others like him are the positions of those who act to subvert the Constitution, and they do so while holding and using firearms, the very definition of force, for the explicit purpose of depriving your Constitutionally-guaranteed rights under color of law or authority.

While freedom of speech is recognized by The Constitution 18 USC 242 and 42 USC 1983 say any act to violate your Constitutionally-secured rights are both civilly-actionable and serious criminal felonies. But like so many other "laws" that forbid force and fraud that have been wantonly violated over the last decade we seem to be unable to find anyone who will do a damn thing about it when the government, or powerful people protected by government, are the ones breaking the law.

When are we, as Americans, going to grow a sack and tell these tyrants that they either cut this crap out -- right now -- or we will demand and, if necessary, enforce both the law and The Constitution?

This question ultimately devolves into one: Are you a peasant with only privileges granted by people like ****-for-brains Bloomberg or are you a citizen with Constitutionally-guaranteed rights that nobody, whether it be Mayor Bloomberg, President Obama or anyone else may violate?

Simply put: Are you a subject ala 1775 or are you a citizen ala 1787?


Did not the document liberty and justice for all? I guess some are more just then others.

Police to ignore California impound law amid concern of fairness to illegal immigrants

The Los Angeles Police Department will soon start ignoring California state law, which requires police to impound the vehicles of unlicensed drivers for 30 days.

The majority of unlicensed motorists in Los Angeles are immigrants who are in the country illegally and have low-income jobs. The LAPD says the state's impound law is unfair because it limits their ability to get to their jobs and imposes a steep fine to get their car back.

As long as drivers can produce some form of I.D., proof of insurance and vehicle registration, they'll be allowed to keep their car. Police Chief Charlie Beck insists that it's simply leveling the playing field.

"It's about fairness. It's about equal application of the law," Beck told a Los Angeles TV station earlier this month.

Opponents of Beck's decision are furious and refer to studies showing unlicensed drivers are among the most dangerous on the road. Indeed, a 2011 AAA study titled "Unlicensed to Kill" finds they are five times more likely to be involved in fatal crashes and more likely to flee the scene of a crime.

The decision has angered Don Rosenberg, a resident of Los Angeles County, who lost his 25-year old son, Drew, in a 2010 accident caused by an unlicensed driver in San Francisco, a city with lax impound policies. The driver, who tried fleeing the scene, had previously been pulled over but was allowed to retrieve his car after a short time, months before the accident.

"It doesn't matter to me who killed my son-- what their nationality was. It was the fact that if the law were followed, he'd be alive today," Rosenberg told Fox News.

Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley wrote Chief Beck, saying his policy would be "invalid" in light of state law, which states a vehicle "shall be impounded." But supporters of Beck's decision say, regardless of the law, he's doing the right thing for illegal immigrants who cannot yet obtain driver's licenses here.

"A low-income person doesn't have the ability to pay the fees after 30 days to get their car back," said Cardinal Roger Mahony, former Archbishop of Los Angeles and an immigration activist. "Basically, we're just creating more punitive problems for them."

The L.A. Police Commission voted in favor of the new policy 4-1 last month. The LAPD says officers will begin implementing it in a matter of weeks. The city attorney has also sided with Beck's decision.

Immigrant advocates say the controversy highlights the need to provide provisional driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.

Don Rosenberg says he'd favor that, as long as the police enforce state law by impounding unlicensed drivers' cars when pulled over. But he believes that the city is pandering to the Latino community and doesn't hold out hope that the policy will change anytime soon.

"It's more important that people who are in the country illegally get to drive than it is that people who are here get to live," he said.


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