Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday 09-12-10

Introduction to “Why I believe the KJB”
Let me say, in way of introduction, that the King James Bible is NOT a “version” as we too often refer to it. It is a direct, preserved translation. There is no need to have a Greek lexicon, or the “original languages” because the old Webster’s Dictionary defines all those “hard to understand” words, just as it does for any other document or manuscript we might be obliged to read. Isn’t it ironic that we have the Bible translated into the English language so that we might understand what the Lord wants from us, and better serve Him, and yet we refer to the Greek to interpret it for us? This is why it was translated into English anyway, so that we could all have a copy, and the common man might be able to discern it for himself. When we do not understand any other document that is important enough for us to read, we do not discard it, as many do with the Word of God. For these reasons, we will be referring to the King James Bible, as the KJB and not the KJV as so many like to do. Again, it is not a version, a “copy” as all those other so-called “Bibles” are, but a literal and accurate translation. To many this may be a trivial, or “technical” point, and of little consequence, but I assure you, anything that reflects on God’s Word is very important. God thinks so, and so should we.

With this in mind, I would like to write in defense of that “old black book” that our ancestors read from, and lived by. It is still in existence today. It is still as vital to our well-being today as it was way back in the days of old, and still has the power of God upon it, yea, it is still the “power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth” (Rom. 1:16). Please don’t misunderstand me, I know that Truth needs no defense; it is well nigh capable of defending itself, but man is stubborn and will not always and often submit to it. Yes, the Word of God stands on its own merit, and needs not be defended by man, however, there are some, who are “hanging in the balance” and are given to mental reasoning and traditional thinking that could use a boost in the right direction. Whether you believe the Truth or not does not affect truth, but it does affect you! For this reason, I, without apology or excuse, write in defense of the Holy writ which is the true, once delivered, Word of God; I wish to earnestly contend for the faith. (Jude v. 3). Reading further, in Jude, we see the reason for all these translations today, and the need for one to expound the Truth lest the lie prevails. The Word of God is too important, and too precious to be taken lightly, and yet we do. It must remain “unique” to retain a special value that supercedes any and all others, but we do not consider it unique. The KJB is one of a kind, and ought to be accounted as in a class of its own; that is the “specialness” that it alone carries. No other translation has sparked nation wide revivals like the KJB has; somehow they just don’t measure up to its grandeur and its splendor. If we think any less of it, we do it an injustice. To exalt any other version to its level is the utmost of heresies, even sacrilegious, if not blasphemous.

It seems that if you will read this document and still hold to the false bibles of today, then you are beyond the truth, and this was not for you. It will not benefit you at all if you shrug it off so easily. However, if you have an inkling of doubt about the bible you are now using, perhaps you may be enlightened, at least somewhat, in the direction of Truth, and eventually come to the full knowledge of the truth in Christ. My prayer is that this would be your case, and the truth of God’s Word would always prevail to His honor and great glory. Please read it prayerfully and earnestly, and not as one that scans over things too quickly. It is, after all, worthy of some thought. I only ask an honest reading, and then it is up to you and the Holy Spirit what happens after that. With all this said, let us begin…

Why I believe the King James Bible


Most, if not all of the people reading this writing have never so much as seen a real life manuscript of the Scriptures; I am included among them. Therefore, I do not even begin to argue the point of which manuscripts are the “oldest and best” as the modern day scholars lay claim to. The word "best" is a matter of personal belief or preference. I could take you to a dozen men who would tell you the "bests" of life, and all come up with different theories. I think the best car, for practicality, ever made, is the Chevrolet, but many claim others to be better! Even good mechanics disagree! So it is with "scholars", we choose the man we wish to believe, according to whether his reasoning appeals to us, then we go with him! Man is so fickle and vain. I have discovered that men will believe what they want to believe, regardless of the good argument against it. It is my hope that you, dear reader, do not fall into this trap, and that you believe God, and wholly serve Him, and not pick and chose which principles you will accept, and which you will reject. Many times, those that don't appeal to us are exactly what we need!

To debate the manuscript issue is to carry on another mans ideas; how do we know which scholar is truthful or more knowledgeable when there is so much disagreement among themselves? We carry on another man’s argument, putting our faith in him, and not in the Lord and His Word. Now, some would say that we do the same with the King James’ men, but their translations were more expedient, in fact necessary, to the promotion of the Gospel in the Americas and the free world and to English speaking people everywhere. There was of necessity, a one-time translation needed, but after that there is no more need. (See Jude v. 3). Just as there is one God, one faith, and one baptism, (Eph. 4:5), so there is one Word of God, and that in the Authorized King James Bible. Now some smart guy out there will ask “which one?”, as if that were a vital question. Let me say, God watches over His Word, and preserves it unto all generations. It is important to Him, much more so than even His name, which is very reverend, and most Holy (Psa. 138:2). It stands to reason that He will protect and preserve it. Those opposers of the KJB do not like this kind of talk because there is little argument against it. Even so, it is common knowledge that the KJB was translated from a different manuscript than all the others, and is therefore unique from all others. I will confine my manuscript criticism only to this area. It is also common knowledge that the “original” manuscripts are non-existent today, and we have only copies to work with. Keeping that thought in mind, we must rely on the first available, nationally accepted translation for the common man, the King James Bible, which, through the test of time, has obtained even God’s approval of it.

Another statement that we many lean on is that of scriptural text proving or disproving the Bible. Let me say, there are many, but only he that has a spiritual ear will hear them, and how many Scripture verses would it take to convince you anyway? One ought to be enough. When Paul told Timothy that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God…” he had only Holy writ in mind, and not mans “corrections and deletions”. Man has tried to improve on God’s creation, His commands, and His conversation since the very beginning of time. I know that the KJB was not yet in the hands of the common man, when Paul wrote by inspiration 2 Timothy 3:16, but I also know that inspiration is upon the text, and not merely upon the man. That means that if we copy inspiration correctly, it passes on to the copied text., and thereby inspiration is preserved, and need not be further corrected by men.
We see in the garden the serpent telling Eve, (in essence) “You shall not surely die, God didn’t mean that” or, in today’s jargon, “In the original manuscripts…” Paul referred to the words of God being inspired, and not the corrections of man. Any debate on the issue of translations usually ends up with one side or the other asking for scriptural “proof” of their “opinion” and both sides know that the argument is not settled even at the scriptural issue. It is for this reason that, in this chapter I seek to use Godly logic, which has its strength in God-given common sense, as well as Bible based reasoning. Of course, this won’t be acceptable to some hard heads that are dogmatic in their own theories, but they themselves will, in other discussions, and under different circumstances, refer to “Biblical logic” when making a point. However, in another chapter, and a little later on, I will attempt to “prove” the King James Bible by Scripture, but the flesh (logic) must precede the Spirit (Bible) according to 1 Corinthians 15 (especially vs. 42-47). Meanwhile take note of the scriptures used as we proceed.

I will not spend much time on the character of Westcott and Hort, which is very suspicious from the start, nor on the character of the scholars in King James’ day, as we know little about their personal lives. I will, however, comment on the King himself, as the supreme potentate of the country of England, and, at that time, much of the civilized world. It is only reasonable to assume that a king does listen to his subjects, even as Pilate did in the New Testament concerning the trial and crucifixion of Christ, and as many kings in the Old Testament also were mindful to do. With the eyes of the world upon him, the king could not take too many liberties with something as sacred as the Word of God. The people would have risen up in rebellion against him. History has already proven this to be so in the Crusades. He would, therefore, hire the best scholars of his day, and not every teacher that supposed himself to be a scholar. He had the means, financially, to afford the best, and he had the connections and the influence, yea, and the power to destroy any of the men that took the task lightly and amused himself with the language of his own interpretations. Therefore the “pressure” was on the king, as well as on the scholars that he chose for the great task he had undertaken. It was his reputation that was at stake.
The scholars, under the conditions mentioned above, had to be the best scholars, the most well-versed in the Hebrew and Greek languages. The king had the means and the time, and the powers to search the country for the very best. What manuscripts were available to them? We do not know for sure, but by preservation we can be assured that God directs in the affairs of men, and that He was watching over this vitally important work. You see, there was much at stake; the Truth was at stake, and God cannot lie, but is all Truth and righteousness. If God were to allow a lapse in the inerrant Word of God, someone reading that would have been misled in that he did not have the entire Truth of the Word of God. He is not the author of confusion, and tempts no man with sin. God’s preservation upon his children is passed from generation to generation, just as it was in days of old, and sinful men are used to do an eternal work. With this in mind, God can easily preserve His inspired Word by preserving the text which He had inspired. Those who refute the KJB will be quick to jump on the cliché that there is no inspiration today, and that men of today are not inspired by God in the way that the writers were originally as they recorded the canon of Holy writ. This may be true, but the preservation of God is as able to preserve inspiration as He was to inspire it in the first place. If He did not guard it down through the centuries, why bother inspiring it in the first place? God did not start with a totally inerrant, inspired Word, to let it drop from sight and fade in oblivion. His works are eternal works. So, whether the king James men were carnal or spiritual has no real weight, because God can even make a donkey talk, and say what He wants it to say! To be honest though, the same reasoning could apply to Westcott and Hort, except that they were thought to be involved in the occult, which directly opposes the things of God. God could have chosen better men if He were in it, and probably would have. Although He has only sinners to work with, He seldom gives such privilege to the protégé’s of Satan. He has a multitude of sinners to work with.

Fundamentally Speaking

To believe in the inerrancy of the Word of God is fundamental to the faith. Otherwise, we have no strong basis for our beliefs; no “foundation” for which to stand on. Yet, if inerrancy is lost with the “original manuscripts” then we have no Truth today, and cannot call ourselves fundamentalists, although we do. I see many churches today that accept inferior versions of the Scriptures and still think themselves to be fundamental Baptists. This leaves me in a quandary as to how they arrive at this conclusion. Let me ask you, if the Bible is not entirely true, who decides which part is true and which is not? Most proponents of those other versions will readily admit that they do not have the absolute Truth in their “Bibles”, but claim only the “originals” to be of that quality. What they are saying, in effect, is that we do not have the total Truth today in the Word of God. One of them has to be true, lest God be accused of not providing us with the truth after demanding that we walk in truth! Can you see the redundancy of this thinking? The proponents of the NIV for example will admit that there are errors in their translation, to some extent. Why would anyone trust in a Bible that was not totally, and entirely correct? I, for one, do not wish to base my beliefs and my life on a less than perfect Bible. Shouldn’t we desire the “Best” (I can speak of “Best” if others can do it) and most accurate? I stand amazed, no, appalled, at the thinking of Christian people today in this area. Again, we take modern scholars’ word for it when it comes to determining which verses are true, and which are not. What if John 3:7 were not true? Where would we be then? I know that no one claims that this verse is untrue, but again, how do we determine the true from the false? We have nothing perfect enough to measure it against, as some suppose. With this logic, we can pick and choose which passages we will obey and which we will ignore, which is what happens in today’s Christianity anyway. This heresy finds its roots in a false gospel as we have just seen. Some men like to exalt themselves against the Word of God to show how smart they are. Their pride will be their downfall.

A wise man once said that “when something doesn’t seem to make sense, look for the dollar sign in it, it will always be there”. Every modern translation today is copy written, which means that someone gets royalties whenever it is copied for public use. Someone is lining their pockets with the gold of Dagan and Baal. Why copywrite the Word of God? There can only be one reason—money. After all, the Bible is still the best selling publication in the world today. Look in the King James Bible and will not see a copyright. Did you know that if something is copywritten that by law you cannot duplicate it in any form without specific permission? You could be sued for doing so with all of the other versions, but not the KJB. Don’t take my word for it, look for yourselves, and go to the library and read about copywrite laws. The love of money is still the root of all evil. When men tamper with the perfect, inerrant Word of God, this is definitely evil. Who do you think would be behind such a work as this? Try Satan. He cannot steal away from us the eternal salvation that Christ gives, but he can steal away the Word of God from us, and replace it with a fake, and ruin our usefulness to the Lord. In this way, he can still win a few battles, though he has already lost the war! I do not say that everyone who reads and carries and even believes the inferior versions to be the Truth are deliberately satanic, but they are deceived. They do not have the “incorruptible seed” when by their own admission, their bible is not without corruption and error. When men can dupe the public and make them think it is for their own good and growth, there is almost no end to how far they will go in their folly. Though some receive pay for these other translations, most people don’t. It seems that these “scholars” have found a gold mine in the sincerity of good people who seek to do right, but find it hard to do so when it comes to standing on the pure Word of God. The chant is rampant throughout the land that we cannot understand the KJB when many, and most of those other translations use bigger words than the KJB does! It is amazing how con-men can dupe us so easily. I have no more than a high school education, and yet have little trouble understanding the King James Bible. It is not the “thee’s and thou’s” that bother us, we all know what they mean, it is the practical application of Scripture that is really our problem. These smart fellows make us all sound like dummies by telling us we cannot understand a Bible that is mostly written in one and two syllable words, and indeed they think we are dumb. (By the way, I have been called an idiot, and an imbecile for believing the KJB, but the voice in the wind that I hear in defense of other translations is that they are easier to understand! Who is the dumb one?) Any person that has grown up speaking English can usually figure out the “archaic” words that others rant and rave about as an excuse to come up with something better, and more up to date. We can often determine its meaning by the way it is used. The Bible, like God, never changes, it can’t, it is Truth all the way through. Enough has been said already to convince the fence straddler who has not yet made up his mind what to believe, but there is more, much more to learn for even you hard heads that do not want to commit to the Truth and stubbornly hang on to your dainty and frilly translations. “Let God be true, and every man a liar” (Rom. 3:4b)


Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth. and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (Jn. 14:6) Jesus is the Truth; absolute, unadulterated, immutable Truth. We have talked a lot about truth so far, but we see in Jesus also the “Word”, according to John 1.1. If Jesus is the Word, though in different form of course, when we tamper with the Bible, the “Word of God” we tamper also with Jesus! We are treading now on Holy ground, my friends. We have been all along, as a matter of fact, but many of us do not realize it, I’m afraid. This is why the Word is so important to the Father, because He knows the true source of it. Remember Psalm 138:2, where God exalts His Word even above His own name. That puts a lot of “oomph” on the Word, and ought to be a warning for us to tread lightly when dealing with something so Holy and Precious. We ought to treat it at least like we would the name of God. Most of us would not think of blaspheming God’s name, yet we tread His Word under foot as if it were of no value at all. Still, there is much more to be said for Truth. Pilate asked, when questioning Jesus, “What is Truth?” and that question seemed to go unanswered in that immediate text, but we know the answer; rather “Who” is Truth. The Word is Truth, and God Himself is the God of truth in Psalms 31:5. If the Bible is not Truth, then it is not of God; If we do not have the Truth today, we do not have Jesus, or God for that matter. The Word of God and Truth are synonymous with one-another. When Christ tells us in John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” we need to determine what He was saying and why He said it. Many have supposed that this verse was referring to being free from sin and the burden thereof, but that comes with salvation, which is not the totality of truth, but a product of it. This verse and the “freeing” of us can only refer to the search for truth being ended in us. Many of us have traveled many evil miles in search of truth, and ventured into many plots and diabolical schemes in hopes of discovering some truth. Notice, in our last quoted verse the word “make”; Truth will make us free, as if we are not choosing this freedom, but it comes as a result of truth itself. When we are “made” free, it is usually not of our own doing, but someone or something else must do the making of it. With that in mind, we see that if salvation were the subject, we take away mans free will in choosing which way we will live our lives. We would be made to conform, like it or not. No, the only meaning that we can apply here is that it will make us free from seeking any further for truth. Once we know we have the Truth, there is no need to “shop around” for anything else; and nothing else will compare to it. This is how it is with the KJB, my friends, in reality, nothing else compares to it. The King James Bible has been the standard for hundreds of years, and the others could only compare themselves to it. That is like us trying to compare our wicked, carnal lives to the pure, and Holy Word of God. There is no real comparison. The Truth, once found, settles our heart as well as our soul and we can relax from the wondering of our spirit. Then we find rest in the Lord. The value of Truth is only valid if the Truth is real and not a sham. If you are searching for the True Word of God, I must ask “Why?” it is already given. You have denied the Truth when you refuse to see that you already have it. If you wish to know what the Bible really says, study your King James Bible, and it will be revealed to you. To deny the Truth is to deny Christ! We have already seen from Scripture that both of these are one and the same.
By the way, if you think you have the Truth, why are there so many others that disagree with you? I have heard that there are over one hundred different translations for the Bible in use today, and they are all “backed” by supposedly educated men, “scholars” if you will. It almost seems to depend on which Bible College or seminary you put your trust in, and the scholars that they endorse. Today the NIV the ASV the Phillips Version, the American Standard Version, and all the rest claim to have insight into the “best” manuscripts, and seem to know a little more than the next guy about the Hebrew and Greek languages. The whole mess is a quagmire of confusion at the least. This country thrived on the KJB for hundreds of years, and Christians did fine until the last days when all these other “versions” came out. Can you see a master-mind behind the plot to destroy the “Word of Truth”? Satan is not done with us yet though, keep reading, there is still more.

I spent many hours searching the NIV and made a fantastic discovery; It leaves out the very same verses as the New World Translation, which is the Jehovah’ Witness’ bible! Can you believe it? These JW’s change the Bible to fit their doctrine, and the NIV follows their patter to the letter! At least the JW’s draw a line where the verse has been left out, indicating to the reader that it was deleted, the NIV doesn’t even bother, they totally deceive the reader by omitting some of the text and not letting them know it. Changing scripture to fit doctrine is the crux of the problem today with all these translations. Man’s way of doing things has always been backwards to God’s way. Anti-Truth is mans way, which is actually anti-Christ!

The words of God

Please don’t be confused by the heading of this chapter; the “words of God” are those which He chooses in writing the Word of God. Here is what I mean: No two words mean exactly the same thing. If they did, there would be no use for both of them, either one would suffice. As an example, let us look at John 1:12, where according to Webster’s American Dictionary, there are at least twelve different uses for the word “Power”. It is translated in most of the other versions as “authority” as “right” as “privilege” and so on, all of which are found under the word “power” in the English dictionary. Now, that being so, what word do you think would fit the text the best? I know, it doesn’t matter which one you think will best fit, but what the Greek says, so many would say, but the point I wish to make is that the Greek will also have many of these words for one definition and the translators have to pick the one that they think best suits the text! If Christ gives me the authority to become a son of God, then I am still to “become” one on my own, with His blessing! The same with “right” or “privilege” or any of the other definitions. If He gives me the “Power” to become a son of God, then it is His power that makes it possible, and not my own. The difference is overwhelming. This is just an example in English, and Greek can be more descriptive, I know, but the same is true in any language, that some words have multiple translations, but only one logical and suitable meaning. Whether it is in this verse or some other inflection of the words, there are multiple translations in all of them. By the way, the only lexicon we need in English is the old Webster’s Dictionary. It is sufficient for the Bible which was written in English, because God makes it easy for us from the beginning. It seems rather redundant to go through all the trouble of translating the Bible into English so that English speaking people have to go to the Greek to get the meaning of a word! The KJB is the only Bible that uses “power” in that particular verse. Every change that is made in other versions of the Bible change the inflection of the sentence, ever so slightly perhaps, but still changes the meaning in some way. Another example is the word “little”. Little means “small” and is a comparative word, but minute also means “little” as does tiny, wee, and miniscule, and microscopic, etc. Do you get my gist? So, when we come to this word in a writing, it is up to the author to verify which size of “little” he is trying to convey, whether generally or specifically, not up to the reader!

As another example, look with me at Daniel 3:25. There we see Nebuchadnezzar claiming that the fourth man is the furnace is as “the Son of God.” All of your other versions claim he says “a son of the gods” meaning the Babylonian gods. This is critical because the word for “God” in the Greek is the same whether it refers to deity or not, so the weight of the matter falls upon the translators! They decide if this refers to the Living God, or some weird expression of a god that man has created or dreamt up. The translators, in this case, have blasphemed Christ, not the text or the manuscripts. The argument that old Neb would not have recognized the Son of God way back then doesn’t hold, because others had seen Him in the Old Testament, and knew immediately who He was! God reveals Himself to whomsoever He will. (Abraham in Genesis 18 for example). There are even other references where heathen men referred to the God of Israel and these were capitalized, as they should have been (Naaman for example). So why not this one? If my Bible referred to Jesus as a false God, I think I would get rid of it. These are only a few instances of the changes made in the inferior translations of today, but as I stated earlier, it only takes one to reveal error, so how many will it take to convince you dear reader, that the King James Bible is the Bible indeed, and there is no other? 2 Peter 1:21 says that Holy men were moved of the Holy Spirit to write Holy writ, as God spoke, they wrote, after the writing was completed, can one say they were continually inspired throughout the rest of their lives? No! They were sinners just like the rest of us; so, it is the text that is inspired, and once copied, the inspiration is transferred to the copy.

A close comparison of Mt 4:6 with Psa 91:11,12 will reveal a trick of Satan's that had it's beginning in the garden of Eden! Notice the wording in Mt 4:6, beginning with "for it is written"...notice that, in the first part, Satan leaves off the words "To keep thee in all thy ways" and replaces it with merely "concerning thee." Then, in the second part of Mt 4:6, he quotes it pretty close, (see Psa.91:12). Notice now that, not only did the devil omit some of the Holy writ, (taking away from the Word of God), but he also added to it! The very things that God had told us specifically NOT to do! (Rev 22: 18,19) Satan is seeking to destroy the very foundation of our faith by destroying the Word on which we have believed. “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Now consider for further testimony, that oft quoted verse, Phil 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” This could be one of the most mis-quoted verses in the Bible, and here’s why; Many, if not all, of the other versions change the word “which” to “who”. This is very significant, because, as I have already indicated, when you change words you change meanings. Now, follow me closely, you don’t have to be an English major to understand this; “Who” refers to a Person, in this case Christ; “Which” does not refer to persons, but principles, or things, which in this case is “Those things which strengthen” us. In other words, if you put “who” in place of “which” you change the entire focus of the verse to saying “I can do absolutely anything because Christ is my strength” Now ideally this is what we like to say, but practically, it hurts our faith, because we soon realize that there are things we cannot do, as ridicules as they may be. We cannot drink the ocean dry; nor can we lift up a skyscraper single handedly; we cannot walk on water, even as Peter did, and when we try, we call this verse a lie, because we are supposed to be able to do anything we want. On the other hand, when we correctly put the word “which” in the verse, it changes the focus from Christ to those things that make us stronger, and becomes the same as “I can do anything that strengthens me through Christ”. Christ will allow us to do all that makes us stronger in Him, of course, and we can do it. One word changed in that verse makes a great difference in the interpretation of it. Need I go on?

When we speak of “archaic” words, those that are now obsolete, and see this as an excuse to change the Word of God, we act as if the Holy Spirit did not have the foreknowledge that future generations would be reading the same texts. This borders on sacrilege, which is defined by some as the theft of that which is sacred. It belittles God and His foreknowledge. It also belittles Him in assuming He did not prepare for other generations to enjoy the Truth which He so dearly loves, and desires for all men to enjoy. He knew that future languages would change, and yet he did not make provision for His Word to keep up with the change, man did that on his own!
Men must be careful in tampering with the Word of God that they do not cross the line when it comes to the Holy Spirit and His inspiration of the text. The Bible is very clear that we are not to add to, nor take from the Word of God, and that goes for our generation as well as the future generations and all men of all ages. (Deut. 4:2 and 12:32, also Rev. 22:18,19) God’s Word is settled in Heaven, do you think mans word will match up with His when we get there? His Word never changes; it is already settled forever, in Heaven. How dare we to revise His Word?

Furthermore, we are not supposed to understand the entire Bible all at once! If we did, there would be no desire to keep reading it, with hopes of learning more! We are to GROW, which, even in the natural life, takes a long time. It is dangerous for a child to try to grow up too fast, so it is with the Word of God. We try to take too much on ourselves before we are mature enough to handle it, and it results in a "spiritual" breakdown, as a nervous breakdown might be the result of taking on too much in life before we are prepared to do so. The proponents of the other translations seek to understand it all at once, which is not God’s way of doing things.

Last of all, my own observation, for what it is worth, has been that when men forsake the KJB, they seem to flounder in other areas of doctrine and practice. One has denied tithing and insists that it was done away with in the law; another has denied soul winning and accepted the ungodly TULIP doctrine of hyper-Calvinism; others have deferred from altars in the church, and separation, and many other wayward doctrines have crept in, and it all seemed to begin with them forsaking the Truth for something less, and stooping to mans gospel and mans customs. This is what happens when men deny the Truth; they falter, and fall; they become swallowed up in pride and turn from their first love. I have seen it over and over again, and frankly I am afraid of it, I think I will stick with the tried and true, the KJB, which has brought revival to America for hundreds of years. By the way, have you seen or heard of a nation wide revival beginning from one of the other translations? I don’t think so. God has His “stamp of approval” on the KJB, and it is good enough for me.

--- Marty Dunn, (Gal. 2:20)

The Bible tells us that “thy Word is settled in Heaven”… since this is so, how do we presume to change it? Yes, we do change it; Not in the originals, they are untouchable so we attack the next best thing we have, the King James Bible. John 1:1 tells us that the word is God, and we know that Christ is the Word (v. 14), so, will we seek to change Christ? Will we force Him to condescend to our level of society in today’s world? Will we attempt to modernize Him? We are to be conformed to His image, and not He to ours!

Not a jot or a tittle shall pass from the law…(Mt. 5:18), it is eternal, and yet, when we change the words of the Bible, and modernize it for our world today, we DO change it. If the eternal Word is not with us today, then this verse is a lie. If this is not the case, then the Bible was written for a select group of people, and is not for us today (We do not have the originals, remember?) Somewhere, the unchanging Word, the jots and tittles of the Word, will never pass. If some of the Bible is written for some groups, and another part is written for others, then it is left to us to determine which is authoritative and which is not (which is exactly what is going on today). Man is very presumptuous, and even arrogant to presume that he has the ability to decide which is Holy Writ, and which is not, whether he is educated or not.

Consider too Prov. 30:6 “Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Is this not the same problem of old? The prophets of God had to deal with false prophets who passed their words off as the Word of God, and today we have the same thing happening! Will we learn from history? The false prophets spoke it, of course, but today’s false prophets seek to change that which was spoken by God, just as the false prophets of the Old Testament did; they are of the same spirit.

KJB Only’s

I offer three valid reasons why the KJB is superior to all other translations, and why I believe it to be the preserved Word of God for English speaking people.

1. The Lord puts the Word even above His name!
Look at Psa. 138:2 "I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."

Jesus' name is "...called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." And the Word of God is magnified even above His name. As precious as His name is, His Word is more so. We ought no to tamper with it.

2. Reason no. 2 is much more complicated, but much more exciting:
Jesus, as we know, is the WORD in the flesh; we cannot find fault in Him (and many have no doubt tried); if we could find fault in Him, we could also find fault in his Word, because He is the Word; on the other hand, if we find fault in His Word, we fault Him too, because He is the Word. The Word has to be perfect. We have already established that all those other versions are not faultless; doesn't it stand to reason that if Jesus is the (very precious) Word, that the LORD would preserve the perfection of it, lest He mar the character and being of Jesus? Of course. God HAS preserved His Word in the "authorized" version, the KJB. If The KJB isn’t perfect, then Jesus isn’t perfect; it is imperative that His Word be perfect.

If it isn't all true, and without error, the entire Bible is not to be trusted! (How do we know that John 3:16 is true, if that were so?)

3. Reason no. 3 is similar:
1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. The "incorruptible Seed" is the Word of God. There is, and can be only one "incorruptible seed" in the flesh, and we know that to be Jesus. There can also be only one incorruptible seed in the Spirit, and we know that to be the Bible. Which one? The incorruptible one; the one in which there is no error, but the only accusation they have against it is that the words are "archaic" and hard to read. Is that corruption? By no means.

The KJB is the preserved Word of God for the English speaking people. When we refer to the Greek and Hebrew, we are going back to the pre-KJV days, when the "scholars" had to interpret it for us. It is already translated into the English language. Inspiration aside, if it isn't faultless, then God is not being honest with us, and has no right to demand our utmost obedience (Because we don't know the "rules"!)

These are three valid reasons for the superiority of the KJB, and they are without reproach.

References:Some Scriptures to consider:

2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2Ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

1Pe 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
--At the time God’s Word was given, the intention was that it would abide forever, and not become outdated. (None of the modern translators corrected only the “old English” as they claimed to, but went far beyond that.)

Mat 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
--We need an “Every Word Bible”.

Mar 4:15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
--This is what happens with the deception of all the different translations. They first must cast a shadow of doubt on the KJB, then they are free to “snatch it away.”

Mar 7:13 Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
--I can only reiterate that men must first cast doubt on the Truth before they can promote the sham. It is tradition of men to accept the word of scholars we do not know or have hardly heard of.

Luk 11:28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
--They were to keep that which they heard. (To change it is not to keep it). It is a different word that they hear.

Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
--Will man attempt to change Jesus?

Act 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.
--To believe the Word, is to believe in Christ (Jn. 1:1 and 1:14). Will you believe?

2Co 4:2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
--“Handling the Word of God deceitfully”.

Eph 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
--What becomes of those children who trusted in the KJB then, later, were taught that it was “full of errors” ? (which it is not proven to be). Their faith is damaged.

Psa 119:89 LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

Must I go on? Would it do any good?
External links: Recommended reading:
“Final Authority” By William P. Grady. A textual critique of the manuscripts.

“New Age Versions” By Gail A. Replinger. An in-depth look at manuscripts as well as strong, sensible reason.

“The Need for an Every-Word Bible” By Dr. Jack Hyles. A layman’s guide for understanding the King James Bible Issue.

Also as a side note

In the way of an addenda, let me add this:

When Paul taught Timothy that all scripture is given by inspiration of God”… were the originals lost then? Who knows for sure when or if, they came up missing? When Jesus read from the Book of Isaiah in the temple, He did not seem to question the authenticity of the text, but read it from the scroll available at the time. He then said “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears” (Luke 4:21), calling what He had read “scripture”. Did Jesus say this was not the Word of God? That the original Word is lost?
Now let us consider the Ten Commandments. As you well know, when Moses descended from Mt Sinai, he was appalled that the people were given to idolatry, abnd he threw down the tablets and broke them! God, re-copied them, and they were not the “originals either, but He put His stamp of approval on them, and they became law unto this day. The ten Commandments that were put into the Ark of the Covenant were in fact copies of the original! Can you believe that? And yet they were as valid as the “originals”. I know, you will say “Well God Himself wrote them, not a groups of appointed men”, but God did not need to inspire them, because He is already anointed and inspired, and in fact He is inspiration itself! He did inspire man though because of mans inability to hold to the truth one-hundred percent, and He inspired His Word because He is the Word! Again, copied inspiration is still inspired.

By the Way, if the originals are lost forever, then so is inspiration! If that is so, we have no inspired Word of God today, and therefore none of it is completely reliable. If inspiration is lost, than God’s Word has passed away, and there is no more absolute truth. If we do not have an inspired Bible today, it is not the “power of God unto salvation” for all who believe; then the Holy Spirit does not accompany His Word when it is sent forth, and there is no conviction of sin, and no salvation! Be careful what you believe dear friend, you may condemn yourself with your own doctrines.

One small note to add to the above about the originals. It is a bogus arguement, what i mean is read Jeremiah chapter 36, the orginal gets burned in the fire and then there is a new orginal with more words. Then later that one (the second original is cast in to the river, so the third orginal is the one that was copied from.

Minn. county OKs porn ban for employee business trips

By Barbara De Lollis, USA TODAY

Does the hotel you just booked offer porn on its pay-per-view system? Winona County, Wisc. just approved a ban that forbids employees from staying in hotels that sell pay-per-view porn.

Word of the proposed ban has generated heated discussion among Hotel Check-In readers, with 148 comments written as of 3:20 p.m.

"That is like saying that they can't have a bar at the hotel either, because then people might drink," reader dct002 wrote, echoing many comments that disagreed with the ban.

Concerned with sexual and domestic violence, Winona County board members said that they hope this ordinance will cause a ripple effect throughout the USA, KTTC. says. They say the ban will prevent taxpayer dollars from being spent on pornography.

The bill would allow for some exemptions: County workers could stay in a hotel that offers porn if it's the official hotel for a conference, or if the rate for the porn-free hotel costs 15% more than another hotel.

Three out of four Minnesota hotels are already porn-free, the story says.

According to, the one commissioner who did not support the policy was commissioner Marcia Ward, who said she didn't have time to gather enough information about the proposal. Like some Hotel Check-In readers, Ward also questioned if Winona County would next need to forbid employees staying in hotels with bars or smoking rooms.

"It's a pretty important policy change," she said during the meeting.

Too loud too early for Manayunk church bell, neighbor complains
By Sam Wood

Inquirer Staff Writer

For 104 years, the bell at St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church in hilly, blue-collar Manayunk has joyfully summoned the faithful to prayer, celebrated marriages, and marked the ends of wars.

Now, in a city whose many sacred symbols include a cracked bell, someone has filed a complaint to silence St. John's 5,000-pound bronze casting.

Not completely. Just in the morning. At 7. That's when it rings 18 times for the Angelus.

The official reason: It's too loud.

The Rev. James A. Lyons, pastor of St. John's, received a warning letter last week from the city Health Department.

The missive threatened the 179-year-old church with fines of up to $700 per day if the pealing bell is found to violate the city's 2006 noise law.

"Air Management Services (AMS) has received citizen's complaints of loud amplified sounds from the above premises every day at 7 a.m. AMS would like to advise you that amplified sound and all other noise . . . shall not exceed five decibels above background level measured at the property boundary of the nearest occupied residential property," states the letter, signed by Roger M. Fey, the city's enforcement officer for air and noise pollution.

Earlier this year, the church's business manager received an anonymous phone call from a woman who said she lived a block from St. John's.

"I will never forget this," said Rosemary Swider, who has worked at the church for 16 years and took the call. "She said the bell was disrupting her quality of life."

The church has stood in Gothic splendor on Rector Street since 1856. The parish originally ministered to the neighborhood's Irish Catholics. It now serves 1,900 families. About a block away, restaurants, bars, and boutiques have sprouted along Main Street, transforming the working-class community into a destination for college students and young professionals.

A clock tower - with the bell - was erected at the church in 1906, long before the city passed a noise ordinance. The church, mindful of neighborhood needs, has, over the last half-century, cut back the number of times the bell tolls.

Until the 1960s, the bell struck every half-hour and all through the night. When Lyons arrived in 1994, he restricted the bell's operating hours, shutting it off at 9 p.m.

The bell has always sounded the Catholic call to prayer known as the Angelus. Traditionally, the Angelus bells sound 18 times at 6 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m.

Several years ago, Lyons delayed the first Angelus to 7. "We wanted to do the neighborly thing," he said, "and give everybody a rest."

In 2007, a broken sprocket stopped the clock and quieted the chimes, which had measured the lives of generations of workers in Manayunk's now-shuttered yarn mills and diaper factories.

It remained silent until last year, when two elderly sisters donated $20,000 to fix its works. According to the company that repaired the clock, the sound did not become any louder. The bell began to toll again in January. Every hour on the hour - 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. - and the Angelus at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m.

Soon after the repair, the anonymous call came to the church. No one had ever complained about the sound of the bell before, said Swider, the business manager. Swider and Lyons later heard rumors that two members of the Manayunk Neighborhood Council (MNC) were circulating a petition to silence it.

The president of the group, Kevin Smith, said the council had no position on the bell.

"Our only knowledge of the alleged complaint comes from accusations, leveled at MNC by church members, that we were somehow involved," he said.

Tom Hay, who lives up the hill in Roxborough, is convinced the complaint was filed by a recent transplant.
(read the rest at)

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